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NOTICE: The quiz and contest and woo ha is now over. But feel free to have fun with the quiz thingy and see if ya can guess the questions anyways, I guess.

This week at the Facts you have the chance to win  double 12 vinyl remix packages for "Where Do We Go From Here."  The 2 record set includes remixes by Richard Vission, Richard Morel, The X-ecutioners, and DJ Hyper. But here's the deal. It ain't going to be a walk in the park here. First three people who email me with the correct answers to ALL ten trivia questions win the prizes. You can look 'em up, since I'm obviously not going to be able to stop you. This isn't about how much you know, it's about how fast you can get that quiz filled out. The first three with all correct answers win. Contest will run until Friday or until I get those three winners. So get yer thinking caps on and yer search skills out. Every question's answer should either be found here at the Facts or another Filter site. And remember folks, have fun!

1. Q. Name all the current members of the group

2. Q. What was Filter's first album?

3. Q. Name Richard's older brother and the movie he played in with Arnold Schwarenegger

4. Q. What band did Rich play guitar for before forming Filter?

5. Q. What band did Rich front in highschool?

6. Q. Name the song this lyric appears in: I think you'd be better off if you were dead. Who was it about?

7. Q. Name both of Rich's cats and how much they cost him. Where did he get the names for the cats?

8. Q. What does Frank sometimes sign instead of his name?

9. Q. Name both people who did answering machine vocals on Short Bus

10. Q. What new single is expected to have an interactive feature?

Email your answers kindly to Only three lucky winners!