4. Filter has two albums. Short Bus(1995) and
Title of Record(1999)

11. The next Filter Album The Amalgamut will focus
on how America has become a mutt, as well as band strife."Besides offering a critique of American culture, the new album
features two songs that deal with tensions within the new group, Patrick said. The rocker "You Walk Away" is about "the first
time the band tried to leave me," while the ballad "Goddamned Me" is "kind of a backhanded apology, like, 'You're stuck with
me — What are you gonna do?'" (Sonic Net, Vanhorn Feb 2001).

3. He does not support either political party and he
doesn't like Bush and he didn't like Gore either. He said something about them both being politicians and liars. Richard
HATES liars and I mean HATES.
53. Here is the fact guys. . .Rich did break his wrist
in February. He slipped outside of his apartment door and well, if you've ever been in a city with icy sidewalks and steps,
you can see how easy that can be. Trust me, I live in the Great White North. It snows a lot and we get A LOT of ice. I even.
.ummmm fell a few times this past winter and well, my butt hurt. Rich didn't remember the rule of ALWAYS fall on your
ass. It's the best way to fall. Anyways, here's an old Rich Words from 2-26-01 when he broke his wrist. He starts out in
the Third Person, but I think it's sort of cute. . .(hmm didn't think that I would, did you?) "..........Poor poor Richie.
After a night of celebrating yet another finished song, on the trip up his icy stair case to his house in his apartment
in chicago..... .............I fell flat on my face, bled everywhere, and refused to go to the hospital, so it looks like
I'm going to have a couple war wounds for the rest of my life."(Official Filter.com)

31.Rich just bought himself a Beemer. That's a BMW by
the way. That's the car he took on a tour of America for the Amalgamut. It gave him the inspiration for the album.
He paid a great deal for the car since they are $100,000, but if you can't be a big rock star and spend money extravagantly
you're not really a rock star, I suppose. I haven't seen it, but I hear that they are big fancy sports cars and well, that's
okay. We all have to live on the edge from time to time.""I recently bought a new car and I wanted to put some miles on it,
and I looked out from my microphone and just said, 'Let's get the f--- out of here,' " Patrick said Wednesday."(Sonic Net
vanHorn Feb. 2001.)
66.Rich has mastered a few games...isn't that cute? I
thought it was. Here's the games he's mastered. "RPatrick: Rogue squadron on N64. #2 is battletank. I've mastered both...(Tile
of Page, Filter Chat March 3, 1999.) I think it's cute that in another article he said that he liked the new Donkey Kong.
I played that game and mastered that game. I don't have super NES and Nintendo 64 just confuses me, besides I don't have
the time for it...obviously.
12. Richard works till four in the morning usually and
will get up late. "Apparently Riachard Patrick's landlord has been gettin calls from annoyed neighbors who are angry and/or
worried about the "blood curdling screams" (as ATN puts it), coming out of Patrick's apartment at 4:00 AM. . ."(Consider This:A
Filter Page Story Behind Jurrasitol)
5. Rich does smoke. He does drink. BUT he doesn't do
heavy drugs. "RPatrick: drugs are overated. you shouldn't do them either. i know alot of people who use drugs."(Tile of Page
Filter Chat March 3, 1999)
7. Rich lives in his studio called Abssyinian Sons(Suns)
with his two cats and sometimes the band. It's in Chicago, and the original spot for the band was in Cleveland. He's just
a Midwestern guy. Nothing wrong with that.
46.Rich shaved his head. I'm serious. His hair is growing
back. What would ever possess him to do something like this? Well, I'll tell you why, or rather, Rich will. "'It's a hard
record,' Patrick said. 'I think that's what made me shave my head. I was like, 'Damn, this stuff's hard, man. Grrr, give
me the razor.' It's beautiful so far.'"(Sonic Net, Mancini, Sept 12, 2000) Now, is it just me, or is that weird?? Let's take
a minute to go into the crazy scale for art. At the top of psycho alley we have the Theatre people, man are they psycho.
Then it's the musicians, writers after that and finally artists. Rich is TWO of them, very bad. . .very very bad. Oh, and
Robert's a Theatre person, so who is more psycho, Rich or Robert??
6. Hmm, it seems Filter loves to delay albums. Let's
think back on how many dates we were supposed to have the album out on. 1)June 2001 2)August 2001 3)March 2002 and finally
4)July 2002. I'm telling you, I'll protest if it's not out in July as told. Sheesh!
8. Rich seems to have eye color that changes. Sometimes
it's brown sometimes hazel. He's half Cherokee. (Straight from the man) Go to the Fold to see the Rich Words that they have
in an abundance. They're a riot and you learn a lot from him right there. In article I got from Title of Page they described
his eyes as Green Gold...yummy.
14. Geno is married and has a child. Frank has a girlfriend
in Miami, and Steve, well we dont know much about Steve(Filtered Bio Section) (Besides, he's a drummer and you know about
drummers, don't you? They're the quiet type sometimes. Just look at Charlie Watts. Very shy. Or they're wild like John Bonham.
. .let's not go there.)
15. They do like gaming systems. Seems to be a musician
thing. Playstation and Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn seem to be popular with them. They don't seem to like computer games much.
Has something to do with the fact that the computer is a work tool for music or something or other. Who knows."Alex Steininger:
Do you like many Mac games? Brian Liesgang (Filter): Don't have too many, kinda use the max mostly forwork, but yeah, I like
Doom 2, Darkforces... sim games are good....
Marathon.... don't spend a whole lot of time with them really. Feel guilty.Prefer game consoles for that kinda thing.. but
I suspect that is about tochange with my new color monitor."(Consider This: A Filter Page Steininger Band Reviewed)
20. Geno is the cook of the band. I'm sure Richard tries
to cook from time to time. You can get his sauce recipe from the Unofficial Filter Site. It looks good to me. [ http://www.korg.com/Gino%27s_Sauce.htm

22. The Band names are Geno Lenardo, Richard Patrick,
Frank Cavanagh, and Steve Gillis and new addition Alan Bailey.
98. I modeled my Sam Words after the Rich Words. If you
go to the Official Page, there are 9 things to click on: News, Rich Words, Music, Gallery, Theater, Videos, Merchandise,
Tour, Band Info, and Email. Hubka designed this and set it up. It's really a neat page. Your best bet to get to the Rich
Words is to click on that, but if you would like to see the news, without Rich's own words at first, click on the News. There
is a link to the Rich Words in the News page. And if any of you have read some of the Rich Words, and you have read the story,
you already know that Rich does not cut any corners. He tells you straight up how he feels. But we already knew that.
42. This fact deals with his girlfriend(current). I don't
know what she's called or what she looks like. I just know he's got one and I can't just have the one in my story looking
like nothing because then he'd be crazy and well, he'd be dating nothing but air and well, that's not cool. "Marital Status:
Girlfriend" (Filtered, Unofficial Site, Bios) See, he's not gay, but it is sure fun for a brother to tease I'm sure. That's
all I know about her and I don't really care to know anything else. It's not any of my business.
67. Yes, Rich really really loves his kitties, or he
wouldn't have them, right? He just thinks that they are so cute and they have made his life better. Here's what he has to
say. ~RPatrick) i have two little kittens called soda pop and pony boy. they bring a wonderful energy to my life along with
the number 13.(RPatrick) oh, and they are abyssinians~ The number 13 is referring to Frank, the bassist. Frank will sometimes
just sign his number since it is his favorite. .
