Early Filter/Short Bus Facts
63. Yes, Rich and Frank did almost fight when they met
in a bar.(Richie said Marco Shay's house in Phenomenology). Frank is the bassist now and when they first met, Frank said some
nasty things about Rich being in NIN. Rich didn't take that well, but they didn't fight. Came close though. Then they met
again later and became friends and now Frank is a band member(I love how life changes so quickly). Here's the quote that
Frank said that started the entire mess. It's found in Phenomenology. "Hey man, are you Richie Patrick from Nine Inch Nails?"
Richie's response was, "Yes," and Frank replied back, "I think you're a pussy,man." Then they met again two weeks later and
Frank had shaved his head by then. Richie thought that Frank might get really tough with him then."

105. What the hell is the story behind Hey Man Nice Shot?
Well folks, here it is! You asked, I answered. "In fact, the song is about none other than the late Pennsylvania state Treasurer
R. Budd Dwyer, who used a .357-caliber Magnum to do the dirty deed on
January 22, 1987."(Title of Page, Story behind Hey Man, Nice Shot). Contray to popular belief, it is NOT about Kurt Cobain.
It hever was, though it was a rumor that happened to spread like wild fire since it came out so soon after Cobain's death.
"Up until now, Filter's Rich Patrick (who wrote the song) and his partner, programmer Brian Liesegang have been correcting
journalists who thought the song was about Kurt Cobain, but have turned vague and mysterious when asked to explain it." Although
through the years people who choose to mudsling the song when they don't understand it, it is not to celebrate suicide or
to make money off of the family who suffered such a loss. It is more about standing up for what one believes in tha anything.
"Without naming names, Patrick told one reporter recently: "It's about a guy that kind of made a statement, a final one. The
song is not a celebration of suicide. He had the guts to stand up for what he believed. I'm wary about talking about it. I'm
worried it's going to turn up in print and I really don't want the guy'sfamily to have to deal with it. I don't think it would
be fair and I certainly wouldn't want us to sell any records at the expense of this guys family." As well as mudslinging about
the meaning, people who hear the briefiest of rumors jump to conclusions sometimes without hearing the song at all, stating
that it glorifies the death. "The song 'Hey Man Nice Shot' is a reaction to a well-documented public suicide. It is not a
celebration or glorification of taking one's own life. The phrase 'hey man, nice shot' is not a reference to the final act
itself, but rather an expression of guts and determination of a person standing up for
what they believe is right. We are extremely sensitive and respectful to the family and friends of Mr. Dwyer. We have both
lost friends to suicide and felt nothing but sympathy and loss for the victims, and those involved in such a tragedy." Not
only is it not to glorify the suicide, it is stated that since it was a "public" matter, any artist could make a song, story
or any other artistic venture out of the public matter.
75. The answering machine bit (he does have an answer
machine who doesn't) anyways he has this song about this man who left a message on his machine. It's on Short Bus called
Spent. I thought I'd have some fun by slipping a fact in. If you don't like it, well, TOO BAD. I felt like sharing. Here's
a little bit about the answering machine voice. It's well, a Behind the Music for this. "Dirt: What's the story with the
guy on the answering machine on "Spent"? Brian: The song "Gerbil" is essentially about the guy on the answering machine on
"Spent". Rich had written the song beforehand, and one night this friend of his called up on my machine, after two tanks
of nitrous, out of his mind, and it just seemed to work in the song, so we fit it in the cracks. Richard Patrick: He's just
a guy that slipped through the cracks of the system and blames everything on the system, and has kind of decided to live
his life outside the system. I respect him, to a certain degree. I really think he's just a loose cannon that needs to be
seen by people. I think everyone should meet this guy one time. You'll realize how far people can go off the deep end."(Title
of Page, Article about Short Bus). Crazy people. Gotta love 'em. NOT.
88. Rich is very active all the TIME. He is not good
at slowing down. Hell, neither am I. I am constantly doing something. Guess it's just me. If I'm not doing something, I'm
going nuts. Here's a snippet on what Rich does when talking sometimes. "With a lot of fits and starts, Patrick begins to unwind,
settles in for a chat, something that takes a bit of concentration, since relaxing is not Patrick's normal state-of-being.
He sits on the edge of his chair, snapping and re-snapping the top off a Zippo lighter, keeping perfectly syncopated time
fielding my questions."(Title of Page, Dark Weird World of Filter) Man, he must be annoying in an elevator. Always moving
like that? I know, I know, it's not that big of a deal really. But man, that must be annoying after awhile.
30. Richard did write a song against Old People. It's
called Jurassitol and it is a combination of Geritol and Jurassic, at least that's how he said he came up with it. It's about
the way he felt about big established bands (such as the Rolling Stones and older acts that still toured and made albums)and
how they were drowning out the chance for the little guy. He made it very vindictive and it also is on the soundtrack for
The Crow II: City of Angels. Brian was a member at the time of the song. It's first line is Hey Old Man, got something for
you. Very good song. One of my faves. "Rich (and Brian) wrote this song as a way to express their annoyance with the older
generations, baby boomers, and the Rod Stewarts of the world. Rich explained his focus of the song pointed at older bands
and musicians who just won't give up. They felt that these musicians were suffocating the music scene and leaving no room
for new bands (such as Filter at the time) to explode onto the scene. Originally titled Pep Talk, Rich and Brian decided
to call the song Jurassitol after combining the title ideas of Geratol and Jurassic."(Fold, Lyric section) "According to
Reprise Records, Richard Patrick was just about to get evicted from his Lincoln Park, Chicago apartment right before he and
Brian left for their White Zombie tour. Apparently Richard Patrick's landlord has been getting calls from annoyed neighbors
who are angry and/or worried about the "blood curdling screams" (as ATN puts it), coming out of Patrick's apartment at 4:00
AM, (Well- what would you do if you heard the line, 'Hey old man got something for you...', from next door late at night?).
Rich was a bit bashful when he tried to explain that he's been working on the song for The Crow II soundtrack. 'The guys
to the left, the guys from the right and the guys above us have all been complaining,' said Patrick. As for the guys below?
'That's a store front--weird Asian trinkets and incense and chopsticks and funny shoes, so they're always closed while we're
working.'"(Consider This A Filter Page Story Behind Jurrassitol)
18. The albums went Platinum not Gold but I thought
I'd have fun. According to some reviews Short Bus did go Gold and in some articles Title of Record went Gold.
33. Yes, Filter does program some of their music, okay
a lot of their music into a computer. More on Short Bus than Title of Record. Liesegang programmed Short Bus. Rae DiLeo programmed
Title of Record. This is their statement about electronic music. "Statement: There is a certain subset of musicians who
for reasons unknown adhere to the false premise that electronic music or the tools involved imply a lack of creativity or
inspired performance. Technology in the hands of creative, intelligent individuals is a tool for art, not a hindrance. Filter,
being members of the current millennia, admit freely to the use of such devices." (Found on Short Bus.) Heres what an interviewer
had to say and I can only agree with him. "The computer is a tool, just as a guitar or a bass are, and Filter uses their
Macintosh to compose, arrange, and produce their songs. If an architect usesa computer to do a sample floor plan, or a writer
(like myself) uses thecomputer to write, does it make them less in their jobs? NO!!! So why shouldyou even think that the
use of TECHNOLOGY makes anyone less of an artist?"(Consider This A Filter Page Langer Big Mac Attack) I agree. technology
is not a lazy man's tool to make lazy man's art(though it can be abused as anything is) but rather a way of making art better
and more fully realized than it had been before.
86&1/2. Here are the guitar tabs. I don't play guitar;
I don't understand most of them, but I am a music fan so I do understand a little bit. I did play an instrument in school,
so I do know what A&D are. As far as the rest of the little numbers, not until I ever do decide to actually pick up a guitar
and learn will I ever know what that means. I have taken what has been given and taken my own spin on it. It's confusing,
but like it says, email the dude. See what happens. It's a page I just found. The first song I used in the story is Under
as far as guitar tabs go. It's got a really cool sound to it, sort of choppy, but very meaty(gee it's a new show on the Food
Network: Guitar playing in America) The reason Sam referrs to the meat and potato sound is because Rich is known to describe
it as such. Here is the complete tab to the song Under. Filter "Under" Short bus
"good boy..." (0:47) D--0-0-0-0----0-0-0-0---3~----------------------- A--0-0-0-0----0-0-0-0---3~----------------------- D--0-0-0-0----0-0-0-0---3~----------------------- Pre
chorus (1:19) D-3/5-5-5------3/5-5-6-------------the first part is played A-3/5-5-5------3/5-5-6-------------4 times before it moves D-3/5-5-5------3/5-5-6-------------to
the 6th fret Chorus... D-6--3--5--0------3p0-0---6-5-----------the the pull off part is |
the 6th and 5th Theres a break down in the song here, where its just pick scratches and open D,A,D strings played.
in the second verse at 2:29 these octaves are played. G-5/7-x-x-x--5/7-x-x-x---5/7----8--8--8--- D------x-x-x--------x-x-x----------------------- A-3/5-x-x-x--3/5--x-x-x---3/5----6--6--6-- At
2:45 the same patern is replicated like this D-10-h12--12-12-12-------10-h12--13--13-13----------- A-10-h12--12-12-12-------10-h12--13--13-13----------- D-10-h12--12-12-12-------10-h12--13--13-13----------- From there
the chorus riff just takes the song out.(Filter Guitar Archive)
34. Richard does wear glasses. He just seems to not
wear them too often. Oh, and they do look like Langly's(X-File Reference). Watch the video Hey Man Nice Shot and you'll know
what I'm talking about. Though some where on line there is some photos with him wearing them. He doesn't look to bad, but
does look a little geeky in them. I guess anyone who wears them does.

35. Yes, Rich doesn't like organized religion. He did
write a song about it on Short Bus called Dose. It's pretty self explanatory once you listen to it and it's a good song.
I like it. I may be Catholic, but I do see where he is coming from. I often do wonder why some of the zealots say being human
will make you go to Hell or something like that. It baffles me. Here's what the Fold has to say about it. "Rich has said
this song reflects his attitude towards organized religion."(Fold Lyric Section) Gee, I kinda already told you that one,
now didn't I? Oh, and at a concert, Rich does introduce Dose by saying, "Song called Dose. It's about taking acid. You take
acid? Anyone?" So there you have it. It's about ACID taking. Hmm. I figure either meaning fits. It all depends on where you
look, I suppose.

82. He hates to be alone. (funny so do I, but that's
another story). He hates to be alone and I can understand that, without fellow man what are we but dust? Sorry about that...here's
what he has to say on the matter. "Sure, I hate being alone," agrees Patrick. "I can't stand it. I can be alone, it's not
like I curl up in a little fetal ball when I'm by myself. When I'm alone I either get on the phone, so I'm talking to someone
or I do shit. In my earlier years, I felt incredibly alone all the time. Even when people were around me. The feeling of
loneliness is just the worst."(Title of Page Filter Take Aim) Yeah, I think I know that feeling, how about you guys?
90. Yes, Rich only weighs 135. Hmm, now if I could
only get his height. That's all that's left to find out. (Umm, we're not going to go into the other things about size we
can find out. That's just gross. So all of you with your mind in the gutter---GET OUT OF IT!! That's NASTY!) He IS a Skinny
dude. Anyways, I weigh 135, totally without trying. Either he needs to eat, or I'm fat..naw, I'm fine the way I am. Just
had to BRAG..Rich and I WEIGH THE SAME and YOU DON'T!!! So THERE!
94.Rich hates to be told to put his cigarette out. In
fact and I quote, "Don't ever be one of them non smokers who tells me to put my fucking cigarette out. Don't do that to me.
135 lbs of flying fury will come at you." Yeah, I memorized that part unintentionaly. I'm good at it. It's in Phenomenology
and it's pretty funny to se him say it. I know that I enjoyed it.
96. YES, I have seen his ASS. My description of it,
pasty white and round. I think you should see it for yourself. Not that I condone you looking or anything..cough....ANYWAYS...Rich's
ass is in Phenomenology for all you wondering where you can see it. Frank won't let us see his. Spoil Sport. Oh well. I think
I'll stop this Fact before I emBAREass myself..
100. Rich has been known to wear silver pants, the shiny
kind..duh and t-shirts to perform. To top it all of he wears sunglasses with it. Neat huh? If you wanna see him in this most
excellent outfit, watch Phenomenology. It's right there, man.
64.Rich will refuse to sign autographs if he believed
he didn't do as good of a show for that town....I'd feel a little slighted, except I know tht he is a perfectionist. So,
all in all I understand his quest to be perfect.I too, am a perfectionist. Here's what the Official Page had to say, "There
were nights on the road where Rich thought the band didn't deliver the goods. On those particular occasions, he would hide
out in the touring coach away from the fans, refusing to sign autographs because he felt it was dishonest to be given respect
and admiration for the wrong reasons."
81. Rich has this problem with anger at himself. Funny,
so do I. But anyways, he's got this self directed anger that happens to be over anything from what I can tell. Who knows
why. I don't know why I do that, so neither does he. Here's the excerpt from the article. "When Patrick sings, he spews forth
the venom and inner turmoil, and is made whole again. On the surface he is calm, charming even, but there's a tightly coiled
energy beating seventy times a minute, that is often betrayed by his staccato delivery. You can see it in the set of his
jaw when he doesn't like a certain question, or if he feels things are getting a little beyond his control. But his anger
is usually inner-directed and you can easily see how he could be his own worst enemy."(Title of Page Filter Take Aim) Yeah
it is his worst enemy if you ask me.

69. How ironic...this fact is about SEX. Yes in a chat
Richard told a strange chatter that sex is okay and that if you're human you should enjoy it. It is part of being a human
being after all. I've included both the question and the response. Let's just say Rich's sharp quick tongue got him into
trouble again. The first part before this wouldn't be appropriate, but you too can find this very chat if you want at Sonic
net.. "PrincessPunX) Oh, so you like sex? (FILTER BR) Princess, doesn't everyone? It's pretty natural. That's why you're
around."(Sonic Net Filter Chat) Oh, and this particular chat was when Brian was a member. That explains the BR. Both of them
were chatting so Im assuming they just threw both intials together.
85. Yep, Rich tells stories...nothing wrong with that.
*I* tell stories...umm yeah...anyways....here's a description...notice the eyes...YUMMY...sorry bout that. "Patrick is an
animated storyteller, and at times listening to him is like watching a one-man play. Drawing room theater. He is tightly
wound, with incredible feline eyes. Gold and green, they watch your every movement."(Title of Page Dark, Weird World of Filter).
Okay that is a shorter fact...I enjoyed it.
91. Yes, in Phenomenology there is a part where Rich
does have a beer can fight with the window across from him while at a hotel. I THINK it's beer they are throwing at one another.
Anyways, it's wild, crazy and a little silly. Don't look at me, he's a GUY.
