Have a Get Well Wish/E-card or other thing you'd like
to leave for Richie(just in case SOME ONE shows it to him that is) email it to me and I'll gladly put it up!

Now, I know the photo above has one of Rich from
when he had his arm injury, but I thought I'd include that for humor. Let's hope Rich can get through this okay and that us
fans are thinking of him!!! GET BETTER RICHIE!!!
Get well messages come from the RFW's cats and
one dog: Sarah, Liz, Tom, Pete, Little Bit and Clyde and Pooky the Papillion.
'Cause we love you We love you. Of course,
we do
I love you. I love you And I hope that you won't prove wrong too We love you. We do. We love you. We do.
Jagger/Richards, 1967
Full lyrics to "We Love You"
Websites with Get Well Wishes
Support Richard Patrick!!!
Mr. Intensity's Get Well Card
Get Well Card from Laura
Text messages
Get better. Your true friends will get you through
this as well as your own efforts. Take yer medicine so you feel like a tall tree. Your undying loyal fan.
--Drew Newman
You can say a get well soon from me and the Northern
Ireland fans! This is via CHiLD! A true servant of FILTER - stephen child
When you guys came through Dallas in 2000, we
saw you front row,and it was the most fun I've ever had!!! We (my band) met you guys after and got our picture taken with
you and it meant so much to us, we put the picture inside our first full length album sleeve... To us, Filter is THE band,
and we hope you get better fast and thoroughly so we can show you our album after another killer Filter show in Dallas!!!
Thanks Richie, we'll be thinking of you!!! --Ryan Lystad www.afflictednation.com
harness your pain richard, hope is only
pain that makes you try harder...harness the pain man...and we dont need to feel sorry for you, we only need to belive in
you, but you already know that man. so we'll be seeing you soon my friend...the bst things inluife aren't for free, you
have to FIGHT for them...suffer for them...
we love you rich, fight it!
Rich, Everyone needs time out to work on themselves
no matter what the issue/problem is. I have you in my thoughts and wish you a speedy recovery!!!
LOVE ALWAYS!! Malinda Murray
Dear Richard,
I'm so sorry to hear about your Health Conditions.
My Brother and I were looking forward to seeing you perform in Madison,Wi.You're one of my favorite Rock Singers.Get Well
Shaley Roche
That which can not
break you can only make you stronger!!!
I met Richard twice. The first time was on July
30th., when he came to Toronto to promote The Amalgamut. He was there with Geno Lenardo. First, they went to Muchmusic
to do an interview. They were extremely funny, and had a good rapport with each other. They seem more like brothers. Then
they went to edge102 to conduct another interview, but they were early. So, as was the case over at Muchmusic, they happily
posed for pictures and signed anything people gave to them. They were quite gracious, and generous with their time. I got
both of their autographs, in addition to having bought the cd (spectacular!) a day early, and was able to ask Rich if he was
ever going to act with Robert. He was offered a part on The XFiles, but had to turn it down because he felt it was not the
time to get into acting. However, he will act with Rob, one day. The second time was on September 14th, before the SnowJam
concert. This time, I only got Rich's autograph, but I was also able to give him a gift, which he greatly appreciated: a 16-month
Abyssinian Cats lovers calendar. The concert was fantastic, naturally. I can't wait to meet the lads again. I will definitely
have my picture taken with them, next time.
I have been a Filter fan since I found out Robert
was going to be in The X-files. I searched the internet for information on him, and, in doing so, found out that he had a
younger brother named Richard who was in a band called Filter. I decided to check the band out, and have never looked back
since. Through their stellar music, they turned me off of pop music, and turned me onto rock. Now, I liten to them, Nine Inch
Nails, Stone Temple Pilots, and Weezer. I am genuinely thankful. My eyes and ears have been opened. I had the good fortune
of seeing both Weezer and Filter live, and they were equally spectacular. Also, I was lucky enough to meet both Richard Patrick
and Geno Lenardo, to get their autographs, to ask Rich a question, and to give him a gift. They are very gracious people.
It was a divine pleasure to meet them. I wish Richard all the best in his recovery. He is wise to have realized that he needed
help, and decided to seek it. The first step is to be honest with yourselves, and, in turn, the people around you. The next
step is to get the proper help, which he is currently doing. His health is his concern and responsibility, and we are not
to pry. We would not want people minding our business. Richard's health is a private matter. The man obviously has his prioroties
in order by asking for help now. The music is secondary. His health comes first. When he gets better, he can be everything
he can to himself, his family, his friends, his bandmates, and his fans. He can also go back to doing what he does best: making
great music, which is his passion. All the best Richard. May you experience a speedy recovery.
Dear Richie, Even though i don't know you!
but would like to!!! Get well soon and i hope you can play over here in Liverpool England. New filter fan kellybartonxx
I'm sorry to hear about your ailments.
I was looking forward to my birthday present (tickets to see you in Columbus, OH). Get well soon. Hope to see you next
time(maybe an early present in 2003).
Tammy Lindsey
Get well soon! I want to thank
you and Filter for bringing all of us fans, great music over the years. I want to thank you and Filter for bringing all of us fans, great music over the years.
Rick filter4rick
Rich. dude life takes some strange turns and
when your gets straighten out I will be here waiting for you. your music rocks me thanks alot for that get well soon peace!!
Rich I hope you get better fast!! and get
back to what you love doing!! But for now just rest and get better.
Aunt B
Wow. That's quite coincidental that someone
else who posted here was supposed to see Filter in Madison, WI. Anyway, from myself and many other Filter fans come
the best wishes. Take care of yourself. We need you around to keep us rockin'.
Melissa J B
Hey Richie, I was on my way to Miineapolis
to see the band for thier first show of the Relium Tour. I found out that the show was cancelled and well I was disappointed,
but I know that your health comes first. Get Well Soon Richie! Kick some ASS when you guys tour again, and maybe swing by
Cedar Falls, Iowa for a show!Best Wishes! Get Well
Yours in Music Johnny
Dear Richie,
As an old friend of yours,
I wish you a speedy recovery from whatever is ailing you. I was surprised when I got up to Milwaukee on 05OCT only to
find the show cancelled. I'm in Chicago full time now so I look forward to hanging out with you. Give me a call
when you feel up to it. We need to talk about a Heathaze reunion.
Your friend, Greg Jarvi
Hey Rich, I am sorry to hear about your problem.
I was looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple of weeks. From what I gathered you are having probs with your voice.That
sucks because you have one of the best voices in the buisness. I am a singer too and right know my voice is shot also. I blew
it out the other night. Then I tried to sing at practice the next night so now my throat is sore as hell. I always wanted
to ask your for advice on keeping the voice box alive. I know every singers got their own techniques and remedys for keeping
there voice healthy. Since you are having problems, maybe with what you have learned over the years you can help myself and
other singers. You are the King of scream! So any advice you can give me would be a great gift. My email is mindmachine03@aol.com Hope to see you soon thrashing the mic.
Until then, you will be in my thoughts. Best wishes!!
Eric Scott
Rich, You are the greatest lyricist
of all time. I like all kinds of music and have listened to just as many, but never have I heard a singer put such passion
into his music as you do. And its not just the power of your voice, but the power of your lyrics as well. Seriously, you (and
Geno and Frank and Steve) are the only band out there who could play any kind of music (except country. please, don't ever
play country :) I treasure ALL of your songs from Skinny (my personal favorite) to ...Nice Shot to World Today. You have an
AMAZING gift, one which never fails to amaze me and other filter fans. You are truly an inspiration to me. I hope you get
well soon. Feel free to visit my own Filter website: www.geocities.com/filterishere. We'll all be pushing for ya!
Rich, As always much love, I really hope you
are up to your usual 110% soon! I look foreward to seeing you guys live, but don't push it-take care of yourself!!
I know what you're going through,ive been there
before. Hey get better really soon, you're voice is amazing, your lyrics, the band is amazing! I'm so excited and can't
wait to see the new video "American Cliche". I cant get enough of "Where Do we Go from here". My email address is from your
song WDWGFH. If you get this write me back k? HalfTruths@aol.com
Sade Minjarez
Dear Richie... I am sorry for your hardships,
honey! I think I know where you're at and why you're there...and I hurt for you! I know how hard it is to remain sane while
guarding a caring soul inside an armoured suit! But I know you can do it, Richie, and I know you will pull through this, babe!
The world needs more passionate artists like you, with strong opinions and the guts to speak them and sing them! WE NEED YOU,
Richie! Get well! Take care!
Lots of love
as you've opened up my ears to the coolest music
ever the least i can do is to say get well soon! love, peace and sparkles all the way from ireland xxx
maggy kelly
Maybe this is out of date but having only known
of this band for a few weeks i was saddened to hear that THE vocalist of our time is unwell. I seem to be the only guy in
the Uk thats heard of Filter but if i am not. Let me take this opportunity on behalf of us chosen few to wish you a speedy
recovery cause selfishly , we need guys like you on this earth.
Al Rizla
It was great seeing you in show on 9/11. You
were in top form; no idea of what was going on offstage. :( I'm glad you checked yourself in and I know you'll be better in
no time. Take care of yourself, Rich. The world of music needs you.
Use the form below to send Rich Get Well Soon
notes. I'll post 'em up as I get them.