28. Rich did break up with the other original member and
co-founder of Filter. It was shortly after the Spawn soundtrack collaboration with Crystal Method. The song is called, "(Can't
you) Trip Like I Do". Rich does claim that Brian Liesegang did steal $20,000 in equipment. Brian does deny this claim and
states that what he took was his. Rich does wish Brian the best, but he doesn't want to deal with him anymore. "And despite
Patrick's repeated assertions that he wishes Liesegang "all the luck in the world," it's easy to see that Patrick hasn't yet
recovered from his bandmate's departure."(Title of Page Nelson Filter Take Aim)
This is what Rich has to say about the break up. "Patrick: Well, he stole about $20,000 in gear from me. That's what pisses
me off about Brian Liesegang is I actually knew and hung out with a thief and I don't know thieves. So that was the disappointing
thing about Brian is he actually stole from me. He took parts of the computer, he took parts of the studio, he walked away
with like $20,000 worth of gear."(Title of Page Nelson Filter Take Aim) Ouch. That's gotta hurt. Really. I will probably
never see $20,000 in my life time---all at once that is. "When it came to Brian, Brian tried to write songs. And his songs
were very interesting and very unique but they were not Filter songs. They were his songs and I couldn't explain it to him.
I think that's why he left and I wish him all the luck in the world."(Title of Page Nelson Filter Take Aim) Well, at least
he doesn't have that many harsh feelings. More power to him to wish Brian luck.
45. Rich hates liars and thieves and stuff like that. "I
hold grudges against thieves or liars or murderers or any other scoundrel."(Title of Page Nelson Filter Take Aim) Now, I
know I'm overlapping here, but what are YOU going to do about it. Anyways, this is about what Brian did. It's more proof of
how Rich values integrity, something we should all perhaps value more. Yeah, I'm getting preachy, live with it. Here's his
comments on Brian's departure. "I just pretty much said, 'Hey, if that was your way of leaving the band and feeling good
about it, then good. Because that's a real proof of your character.' That's just like ... shit. That's just a really shitty
thing to do."(Title of Page Nelson Filter Take Aim). Yeah. I agree with Rich. That was a shitty thing to do.
83. Man, poor Rich didn't see what Brian did to him coming.
He was clueless and I think that's sad. I know I had a similiar experience with a friend of mine(and we were almost this
close) that I know where the hurt comes from. I'm still getting over it myself. Here's the fact..."They are so inseparable
that their friends call them 'Brick,' an acronym for Brian and Rick. When I ask them if they're best friends, Patrick affirms
immediately. 'Totally!' he tells me with ardent conviction. Liesegang concurs by nodding his head, as he twists the cap of
a jelly bean jar, and puts it on again. 'We live together, we work together, we drink together, we travel together. We're
going to get on each other's nerves. We're both quick tempered and cantankerous. He's the physical force, and I'm the metaphysical
force. It's a marriage without the sex." The Warner Bros. woman who accompanied them to Europe for a promotional tour told
them that they were like Mick and Keith, in the way they keep each other in balance, Liesegang proudly tells me. "We are
very supportive of one another, but we do argue. Still, regardless of how mad we are, it's still us against the world."(ShortBus
Station Dark Weird World of Filter). That has gotta be tough. I'm not sure how many of you know about the Mick and Keith reference,
but I'm gonna tell you anyways. So just shush up and let me! Mick and Keith have had their disputs through the years. (The
Stones didn't exist for all intents and purposes in the mid-80s.) Mick and Keith are the longest running song writing duo
in Rock. To be compared to them in your own musical career and personal friendship is a big deal. Man, I hate to repeat myself,
but that's a stinger to poor Rich or at least it was at the time of the breakup.
84. Well, there are TWO reasons for the name that Brian
has in the story as Lewis. It's because of 1) Lewis Brian Hopskins Jones(b. Feb. 28, 1943. d. July 3rd, 1969) and 2) Lewis
Patrick is Rich's other brother.(Short Bus Management note) Neat huh? 89. This deals directly with information found in the story. It tells
alittle about how this relationships in a small reference in the story. It's about Rich and Brian's relationship. In fact,
they were inseparable. Rich and Brian did finish each other's sentences. It's sort of sad that they ended so badly. I'm sure
it did break Rich's heart. Here's a bit on that. "Either blurting out the same answer, or speaking in starts and fits, with
one beginning and the other completing the thought."(Dark Weird World of Filter) Here is another thing that makes me think
that poor Rich was so torn when Brian left. It's only because of how they answered at the same time, sorta as if they were
on the same wave length. "I ask them both why they don't want to be called industrial. They answer as one: "It's a genre."(Dark
Weird World of Filter). All of this is from their very first interview as Filter. I have no idea as of yet how they got a
long after that. But I do know that Rich believed him to be his best friend. Aw man, that had to hurt.
19. Richard does have two cats. Hence the studio name.
And yes, they are named Soda Pop and Pony Boy. Cute huh? 23. It did take Rich 2 years to build his studio. Some say three. It was FOUR years
between Short Bus and Title of Record. He had a girlfriend that he wrote a bunch of songs for Title about and,
well, we'll be talking about HER later.

49. As far as Rich and rude people go, he doesn't tolerate
those type. He would rather stay far far away from those type and he hates the idea of being treated badly. Remember the
integrity thing we had earlier? Yeah, well he would't put up with it, and I'm sure most of us should do the same. Not that
some of us can stand up for ourselves, but if we aren't right now, we should. Just for some proof of why we shouldn't be
rude to Rich or anyone he cares about let's visit an old Rich Words. "I've recently read my bulletin board and found that
90 percent of the things said on my bulletin board to be bullshit. My bulletin board is for kids and fans to express how
much they like or dislike Filter, it is not a sounding board for 8th grade sand box mentality - I finished high school why
don't you? If you want to learn more about my band you will either buy my records, read interviews, or read the rest of the
website, but you will not sit there and make an ass out of yourself and everyone else that likes Filter. It has become an
8th grade/high school gossip soundboard as opposed to being a Filter fan bulletin board. For this I apologize, but if you're
going to get online and gossip about me, my family or what I do in my private life, those days are over, go somewhere else
because officially the bulletin board and the chat room are gone. It might return but for now I'm cutting you guys off. I
can't believe that the fans that listen to my compassionate music are bickering like an old couple sitting around a back
gammon table in some nursing home. In other words, get on with your life, if you like my music play my cds, if you want
to learn something about me buy a magazine or read the stuff on the webpage, but the bulletin board is not yours anymore. Richard Patrick"(Originally
appeared on the Official Site, found in the Old Rich Word section at the Fold). SEE what happens when we are rude to Rich?
Don't try it guys. There used to be a board and chat room at the Official Filter site, but we can see now why there is not. 77. This is about
how many different names he's got. I think it's cute but he usually insists on his professional name of Richard Patrick or
plain old Rich. Here's some of the ways he puts his name up. "richard patrick,rich,Richie,peace love richie (included for
cuteness),RICHARD,(Guess he was on a power thing there or something..yeahhh)"(Found at end of Rich Words) Isn't that cute?
I'm just plain old Allison. I just well..don't get nick names. I'm not special enough. Pouts about this.
