10. Title of Record is pure Richard. You will know him
if you listen. Here's a little about what he has to say. Sorry I cant take audio down. It's at the official site, but I'll
take it down as best as I can. "This Record is about the kitchen sink. If you hear a cello section it's got a cello. If you
hear an entire symphony, it's got a symphony. If you hear just one tiny acoustic guitar. It's got 3." (Official Page)Pretty
good for someone who only listened three times, eh?
27. Yes "Take A Picture" is about a plane experience
where Rich stripped his pants off in a alcohol induced state and ran around naked scaring the First Class passengers. Here
is a quote about the experience from Rich: "It's embarassing. I got just got drunk and was going crazy it was one of those
scenerios. It was probably the most rock starian things I've ever done. I dunno, I got naked on a plane. I remember waking
up kinda like with my pants around my ankles and where the hell am I? And um, you know someone said, "Geez, Rich, you're on
a plane" so the whole song is could you please take my picture cause I won't remember. And that's what I wished I had said
to those sitting next to me in first class"(120 Minutes,Title Interview, 1999). Funny huh? The funnier part I guess about
this song, is that when he was asked about this song and if his dad knew what this song meant, he said no. His dad actually
called him up and asked him if he knew that he was proud of him. I thought that was hilarious.
16. Richard is really a sensitive guy. Just don't piss
him off. This is one of my fave reasons why you shouldnt piss him off. "The coolest thing about this record is we are as
hard as we want to be, i mean we love our fuckin amps turned up and we love the testosterone shit that goes with that, but
it's also really wonderful when we can be ya know, i know this sounds corny, but the soft and sensitive guys we are. Speaking
of being sensitive guys, i heard one of you mother fuckers actually posted a message that said filter were wusses or wuss
bags or something and that take a picture sounds like a beer commercial? Well let me tell you someting mother fucker, i
am so fucking hard that i would suck a fart out of your mothers asshole and then gladly burp it back up in her face. And
as far as i'm concerned take a picture is one of the greatest songs i ever wrote and so what if its light, who gives a fuck?"(Fold,
Old Rich Words) Woah. I advise not to piss him off.
41. Rich does write from life and he doesn't care what
anyone thinks. Here's a little bit of what he has to say. "Fans of Filter are fans because I am my own person," says Richard.
"They don't give a shit about what I'm wearing, or what I think is cool. My life is about Filter. If the kids dig it, great;
if they don't dig it because I'm not wearing a gold chain, I don't care. I've never had a plan. All I believe in is writing
music and articulating my own opinion out of millions of opinions and seeing if anyone else agrees."(Offical Page) As far
as those bubblegum pop bands. . .here's his opinion on that. "Every word that you hear on this album, I lived through personally,"
he says. "I think that's what is lacking in music today, the lack of the human emotion. Being a musician gives you the responsibility
to create musical journeys. That's what all my favorite bands did for me. If there's a kid in Ames, Iowa, who hears my record
and says, 'I can do that,' I'm stoked that I was a catalyst for him. I have a responsibility; and it's not to talk bullshit."(Official
Page) There you go. It's a good one I think.

47. Okay in the car we see them listen to a CD. It's
a CD of the music but anyways, if you ever get the chance to go to the Official site and listen to the Title of Record Video
you'll see Rich talk about deciding upon the song Cancer if it's going to make the album or not. He uses a car for that and
well. ...I told you it was weak to sneak in, but you wanted to know right?
51. The first song on the album is really Sand. It is
a 36 second song leading into the 7 minute song called Welcome to the Fold. It's a majorly complicated song. Here's what
Rich says about it. "Here's the bombastic; here's the total ease-back-in-your-chair; here's your trippy, psychedelic electronica-type
middle section; and then back to the bombastic, Black Sabbath-y type riff, to more screams and craziness," he said. "It's
fun to lead off a record like that"(Sonic Net) I thought this was interesting about the song. This is about a rehersal they
had for Welcome to the Fold. "During a recent rehearsal at his Abyssinian Sons studio (named for the cats) in the north
part of the city, Patrick, 31, ripped out as big a noise as he could draw from his small frame on the last line of the "Welcome
to the Fold" chorus: "A-O-kaaaaayyyyyyyyy!" As the singer gripped the mic with both hands and squinted, guitarist Geno Lenardo,
29, cranked on his Fender Strat, busting a string."(Sonic Net) This is about the two sides of the song. "While both that
midsection and the chorus play with the notion of chemical escape,the refrain is far less heady. The chorus actually counters
some of the more blunt affronts of the verses ("I hate your face. ... You think you're precious/ And I think you're shit").
Such chorus lines as, "You get yourself a nice cold beer" sound more like Van Halen lyrics than Filter's stab at modern rock.(Sonic
Net) This is what Rich says the song means. I sort of like how they made it less work for me in the editing department. "When
the chorus hits, it's just like, 'Who cares?' " Patrick said. "Get off this bullsh--. Celebrate nothing. Let's not have
a celebration for anything, let's just celebrate the fact that there's nothing to celebrate. Let's have beers just to f---in'
have beers"(Sonic Net) OH and we can't forget the Fold, now can we? This is what they have to say about the song. This song
was the first release off of Title of Record. Rich has said that this song is simply about the release of anger, about the
fact we shouldn't celebrate anything -- we should celebrate about nothing -- just celebrate to celebrate.(Fold, Lyric Section)
68. Captain Bligh is about the really Mutiny on the Bounty...yes,
he does like history and so do I... (I'm beginning to wonder what it is about our similarities...you sure we ain't soul mates
or something....sorry....) anyways....here is what Rich has to say about the meanings on the song..."[The song is] kind
of based on the relationship between Fletcher Christian and Captain Bligh on the Bounty. [William Bligh was a British naval
officer who as captain of the HMS Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti.] I'm a little bit
of a history buff and thought it was so fascinating that this captain of a ship was so talented at navigation and so dedicated
to the sea but yet he treated his crew and the people around him so badly that Fletcher Christian led this mutiny on the
Bounty and kicked this guy off and then this guy, literally on a small little sailboat, navigates himself all the way back
to England from the Caribbean. That just blows my mind. So I looked at my relationship with [Nine Inch Nails leader] Trent
[Reznor], you know, and my relationship with Brian [Liesegang], and my relationship with other people I've tried to be in
a band with and it's just, like one or the other two guys, something just got fucked up with their ego. Whether it was Trent
or Brian or whatever. It's like there's this cool thing and then because of some attitude and some bullshit, it's over,
and you'll never be friends again or you'll never hang out as much as you used to or whatever. People can be stupid and don't
even realize that they're being stupid. Like, what's Brian doing? He disappeared. He should have went off and had his own
solo record by now, and he's not even signed. But he made his choice and I respect that it's just mutiny on the Bounty, you
know? It's jumping ship, you know?"(Title of Page Filter Take Aim). I just think that is cool.
70. This is about the guitars they use. Geno said this
in a chat. "Geno: They're all Fender custom shop guitars made by Alex Perez."(Sonic Net Filter Chat). I just threw this one
in...it's from a chat "FILTER BR) Bad-ass geetar player? Thanks, we try very hard. Music is very important to us."(Sonic
Net Filter Chat). This is the technical information about the guitars they use. "Filter uses tons of different guitars. But
their staple is Fender Guitars with a really fat-crunchy tone. They always play on the bridge pickup, and it's always a
humbucker- whether it be a slim single coil spaced humbucker, or a full sized one. They use Marshall distortions with Mesa
Boogie speaker cabinets. Richard Patrick played guitar on almost all of the Short Bus album. He used his G&L Strat copy,
"the Racing Car" that he had from when he played live guitar for Nine Inch Nails. Patrick also used Paul Reed Smith (PRS)
guitars on that album as well. Patrick created the guitar tones in the track So Cool by turning the tone all the way down
on his Gibson Les Paul. Initially, Brian Liesegang used Patrick's "Racing Car" guitar, and Patrick played on a PRS. Later
on into the Short Bus tour, Richard Patrick, Brian Liesegang and Geno Lenardo all used Fender guitars. Brian Liesegang almost
always played stage-left with a couple different guitars, (see listing of all of Filter's Live Guitars below). Brian was
handed a freshly tuned guitar each track from the on stage Guitar Tech. Center stage was Richard Patrick who played guitar
on about half of the Short Bus Tour set list. Songs like, White Like That, Stuck In Here, and the end of Hey Man, Nice Shot.
Either behind Richard Patrick, or further off to stage-right was Frank Cavanagh on bass. Frank has always played Fender
4-String Jazz Bass style bass guitars. And furthest stage-right is Geno Lenardo. Geno has always played through Fender Strats
with Marshall & Mesa stacks."(Filter Guitar Archive)
24. Rich does like Scully. He raved about it in an old
Rich Words. He was visiting his brother when he got to see Scully. "Contrary to custom, the music assembled here was made
for the occasion by artists who came humbly as devotees of the show"(Found on Key of X) Rich is a big fan of the show. ..isn't
that neat. He liked Mulder a lot. Must be the Porno collection. He really was excited about that. Oh by the way. ..Rich Words
can be found at the official site as well as the old Rich Words at the Fold site. ..Trust me, they're a blast and I think
you'll really enjoy them
32. At the end of Title of Record they did stick
a whole bunch of stupid stuff. I think it's them just being guys myself and they thought it sounded cool so they put it there.
It must have been when they were bored one day and Rich just was talking into the mic for some reason about being a rock
star and such. Yes they make puking noises. I decided after my mom decided that they should be named the Screaming Vomits
aka Filter it'd be funny if the band was named that in the story. The band after all does need a name, now doesn't it? Not
everyone can be The The. It's a hilarious thing to listen to and cracks me up every time. It does hurt to hear it though
sometimes. They ARE making puking noises after all.

25. Yes they did burn a dummy for fun. Go to the official
site and watch in Title of Record file. It's in the Video section of the site. If you're a girl and you don't get,
hell even if you're a guy and don't get it, it's called being a GUY and let's leave it at that. I think it's funny.
21. He would be guilty about not signing an autograph.
He likes to be open with fans. (See the autograph signing fact.)
59. Yes, Rich does have some type of self esteem
problem. I took this fact from the line that Sam said he'd feel like a dumbass. Well, I'll let Rich tell you more. "Patrick:
I'm so concerned about people liking me. I don't want to be a dick. And unfortunately, I think sometimes, most of the time
I come off like that. Patrick: ["Captain Bligh"] is also about saying I've realized that I've been an ass hole at certain
times of my life, and like I say, "I'm a guilty man," and I can't believe the thing I've done to you, but at the same time
pushing different buttons on different people. It's just kind of an adolescent scream-fest. It's a song about confusion."(Title
of Page Filter Take Aim)Personally Rich...don't worry; A lot a lot a lot of people LOVE you. Just don't be a dick and well
you get the point. Here's another thing about his self esteem. "There were nights on the road where Rich thought the band
didn't deliver the goods. On those particular occasions, he would hide out in the touring coach away from the fans, refusing
to sign autographs because he felt it was dishonest to be given respect and admiration for the wrong reasons."(Official Filter

36. Well, this is a concert story, of someone else in
part. It's from the Fold (Like where else would you go, which I am a part of. ...hee hee. ..email VioletAbyssinian if you
really want to get to be a part of the Fold.) I took the concert opening from her experience. Here is a bit of what she
had to say. "After about 20 minutes, you know who came on. FILTER. It started with Geno and Frank walking onto the dark stage
and playing "Sand." You could vaguely see them in the red glow. Then Rich snuck on stage, and even though it was really dark,
we all knew he was up there. He was decked out in his cowboy hat and sunglasses, but he lost them both a few minutes later.
The crowd exploded just as the pyrotechnics went off, and the guys began "Welcome to the Fold." Everyone was moving then,
and the mosh pit was recreated. Ok, well not everyone. Let me pause and make a point here."(Fold Experiences) Yep, it's grand
to go to a concert. Now I could use my own Stones concert experience but that's not relevant to the story, now is it? But,
hey, I hope you liked it. Is it just me, or do rock stars make stupid statements at concerts. Mick Jagger doesn't make sense
when he speaks, but I can understand. I just think what rock stars say when they are live is just too funny.
37. Yes, unlike a Stones Concert where nothing is signed
and nothing is cheap, trust me, it was $35 for one freaking T-shirt. Mick's expensive and they don't come out to sign stuff.
Filter does. They are very friendly with the fans and most say Steve is the most friendly. Here's a Fold Story about meeting
Rich and it's one of my faves, just cause it's so funny. "After about 15 minutes, Richard came out of the building, looked
at us, waved and said "Thanks for coming out." as he walked towards the bus. Everyone thought he was going to just leave
us high and dry. All of a sudden, Richard stops, turns around and says "What the Fuck are you guys doing? Get over here
and gather around so I can sign your stuff." Everyone (which had become 15 people by now) started laughing like crazy, because
Richard had just played a really cruel joke on all of us. So we all gathered around him while he signed an amazing amount
of Filter stuff. I ended up getting my ticket stub and my t-shirt signed by him too. Then I asked him about what he thought
of being back in Cleveland for a show the night before (I live near Cleveland, and I know he was from the area too, so it
seemed like a smart question to ask.) He replied with "Man, Cleveland fucking sucked. You guys are so much cooler than they
are. We played our asses off and they acted like they didn't even care. I guess they think I'm a sellout now because I bought
a house and have a hit record." I will always remember that, because it was an answer from Richard straight to me. He stayed
out there for a long time, even after all the autographs were done. He just stayed out and talked to us. He was joking around
with people and just being a normal guy. I ended up getting to shake his hand before he left and I went home after having
the greatest night of my life."(Fold Experiences). Thinks Mick should take lessons from Richard, but then again he comes from
the generation of Altamont Speedway so perhaps not. We won't even GO into that whole fiasco. Watch the video Gimme Shelter
if you really want to know. Its a bad thing. Not a good thing as Martha Stewart would say.
38. Rich does throw things at the crowd like guitar picks
and beer bottles and cups and cigarettes he's smoked and well, you get the idea. Instead of like other rock bands where women
throw underwear,(which I'm sure happens), Rich and the boys throw stuff into the crowd. He got sued for this once, won the
case and wrote a song about it. It's on Title of Record and the song is Skinny. Here's a Fold Story about things that
Rich threw. . . . .(Gee don'tcha just love the Fold??) "During the 3rd song, Geno grabs one of his beer cups, take a drink,
and throws it into the crowd. Who ended up with it?...I DID!! I decided to finish off what was left, just so I could say
I drank Geno's beer. So I got his beer cup, that was cool. Then after a while, Geno lost his guitar pick, he grabbed for
another one on his mic stand and accidentally got 2. So he threw the extra into the crowd. Who got it?...I DID!!! Then, during
a break, Richard lit up a cigarette. He smoked about half of it, and flicked it to the side of the stage. One of the security
guards saw it still burning and put it in a bottle of water to put it out. So what was running through my mind? "That was
just in Richard's mouth. You have to get it." I begged the security guard for the bottle, and without asking why, she just
gave it to me. But that wasn't all. At the end of the concert, Richard threw his remaining guitar picks into the crowd and
I ended up with one of those too. So my total for this concert : Geno's beer cup, Richard's half-smoked cigarette, Geno's
guitar pick, and Richard's guitar pick. Plus, I bought the shirt that says "Welcome to the Fold Motherfucker" on the back
and it has Geno's beer all over it. Now, considering I went to this concert to celebrate my birthday, I think I got alot
of nice birthday presents from the members of Filter. This was the greatest Birthday of my life and I only have Filter to
thank for it. The concert was the best one I have ever been to, and I got all sorts of great Filter memorabilia. I love this
band. They give and give and never expect anything in return."(Fold Experiences) Man I hope I get this lucky. I collect
weird stuff like this so there. Of course I'm that weird band person who knows too much about them. . . cough anyone know
how to get a hold of Rich's height and weight???
50. Yes, at a concert Rich made fun of Britney Spears.
He said to the crowd this : "Britney Spears has a crush on yours Truly." I don't remember the site and I lost it's link.
In fact I did look and I couldn't find it. Anyways, I had to sneak that in some how. Here's what he has to say about Britney
Spears from Rich Words though. .."i can't believe we went to the vma's (me and geno), i mean i love mtv and all, but goddamn
after britney spears, sisqo and christina aguillera, i've realized one thing entertainment is alive and well in america but
music is dead. rage against the machine helped me get through it and eminem, but i've realized the whole fuckin world is circulating
around how much britney spears can shake her ass."(Fold Old Rich Words) Yeah he doesn't like her much, eh? I didn't think
so. ..I thought you'd enjoy it though.
72. This is about his touring. There was a four year
gap between Short Bus and Title of Record. Between Title of Record and The Amalgamut(Not released yet but we've got our fingers
crossed) there has been a two year gap and I'm excited for the new album....(Rich FINISH it already...) Here's what he says
about touring and the albums.. "MTV: Back to the tour. How long are you out on the road this time? RP: I'm out for eleven
months and then I go back and write the next record, because the records keep the band alive, and making them keeps us all
centered and happy. We went on the road for more than two years back in the day, and it really started to bog down. MTV:
So the next record won't take three, four years? RP: There will not be a two-year or four-year gap. One year touring, exactly,
to the day of the record's release, and then I'm out."(MTV Online) Coughs. BUT there was a two year gap. We're okay. Some
of us are just perfectionists. Just don't take FOUR years. If I wanted that I'd wait on the Rolling Stones instead. Mick
if you're reading this, go make an album NOW!
78. This fact is about the way Filter will do a concert
under almost any condition. This is more about Geno than Rich. It has to do with sickness and equipment failure....we know
nothing about that right???? Anyways here is a snipnet of the article..."After the first song, lights were turned on over
the crowd, the stage went dark and there was an awkward break. After this happened a second time, guitarist Lenardo explained
he had been fighting an intestinal virus for the last few days. Breaks between songs were prolonged more then once when Lenardo
had to leave the stage"(Filter Trip) Here is the other snipnet...."It wasn't to last. Leonard began having trouble with his
guitar equipment...."(Filter Trip)
44. OOO, a Fact about the studio. ..always fun. If you
watch the Title of Record video at the official site, you'd get a good look at it. I read in a Sonic Net article that Rich
has a picture of himself hanging in the bathroom right across from the toilet. They have red carpet I guess and Rich has
in the kitchen of the studio a picture of his Prom. He doesn't even remember it, but anyways, he, I guess, looked geeky back
then. Skinny and scrawny, and that's also the meaning of the song "Skinny" Hey, not all of us can be beautiful all of our
lives. Some of us grow up to be these beautiful swans that well make the world better.. ..blah blah blah. (Ever get the sense
that I like to talk to myself??)
48. OK, more on the studio. Rich says that it is a well
oiled music machine. He has a few rules about the studio. As he put it, it sorta goes like this "Check your attitude at the
fucking door."(Official Page Title of EP) Sounds reasonable to me. He hs a big American Flag hanging in his studio right
in front of a large window. No one can ever say he's not patriotic, now can they? The carpet is red and he has Red Chilli
Lights in his studio. The cats, as I said before are the reason it's called what it is and they live there with them. Poor
things. They have such huge ears. Anyways, it's a neat looking place.
61. He has this thing about character. I just thought
I'd bring it up before I talk about his cats eating the speakers. Which they did do. I just thought I'd share character and
the cat's at the same time. "That's why I just realized that I've got a pretty decent voice and the things that are strange
within my voice is what gives me character the character are the wrinkles. I look at growing a little older, my eyes are
kind of puffy or whatever, and it's character. It's like when you dent your car, you can look at it like 'Aw, I got a dent
in my car.' Or you can look at it like it's got a character. What's better, a brand new, shiny guitar or something that's
been beat on since you were 10 years old?"(Title of Page) Hey, when his manager came to see him play a piece the cat had
chewed and clawed a speaker. Trust me as a cat owner, cats think they are just big scratching posts.
62. The Studio..ahhhh that place he makes all his beautiful
music...the place that we all wish we could really see in person...okay, maybe not all of us. Here's a description. "Two
years ago, Patrick bought the studio space, which he said used to be a small dance hall called the Puerto Rican Congress
Club. In addition to a recording booth, the band's got a rehearsal space in the large main room, which is separated from
a TV area by a freestanding wall of shelves topped by a dozen guitar cases. Patrick sleeps in the room next to the vocals
booth. He's painted the ceiling in the main room red, and brick-red carpet covers the floor. Anything else that's painted
is done in black, matching the L-shaped leather sofa in front of the TV. Red lava lamps dot table surfaces throughout. In
the bathroom there is a framed picture of Patrick, hung opposite the toilet."(Title of Page Filter Take Aim). Not too shabby
if you ask me. I like the sound of that. I'd go for purple and green though...hey, we all like different colors.
57. Yes, Rich talked about working with Trent Reznor.
He wanted to do a colaboration and he'll tell you more. "Reports of strained relations between Patrick and Nine Inch Nails
mastermind Trent Reznor were misleading, the Filter leader said. "Trent and I are friends. And we will work together on
a [side] project called Tapeworm," Patrick said."(Sonic Net) That might be cool. On a side note, I thought it was cute that
I saw Robert wearing a NIN shirt once in a photo on some Robert Patrick site. Just thought I'd share.
74. Well, this is a double fact actually. I thought you
might want to know. Yes they get along with other bands. I think that's neat. It's like the Beatles and the Stones getting
along (Yes they were best friends). Anyways...here is what Rich has to say. Enjoy. "Richard Patrick: Unbelievably cool.
The audiences are amazing. All the bands are amazing. We especially like hanging out with Limp, 'cause they're such sweet
dudes. We had a little bit of a problem with some bottles being thrown around in the audience, but I told Fred [Durst], and
he was like, "Yeah, let's hunker down with some of the security at the new venues and make sure that no glass containers
make it in." That was about the only scary thing. But really, hanging out with all the bands has been great. There's no rock
star bull crap to deal with. Everybody's cool, and everybody just wants to hang out and enjoy each other's music."(MTV Online)
Awwww. He called some guys sweet dudes. That's so cute. Yeah yeah yeah....move on already.
39. Yes, the last two songs are about Rich's love life.
They appear on Title of Record and are titled "I'm Not The Only One" and "Miss Blue". "It's Gonna Kill Me" is also
about his girl friend that he broke up with, or should I say broke up with him cause he wasn't enough for her. Poor Rich.
I wouldn't do that to you,(Hint, give me a call. .my number is 5... ) uh sorry about that. Anyways, I've got some sources
on the two songs. You guessed it, The Fold and The Official Site. "IT'S GONNA KILL ME This song is about Rich's former girlfriend.
He uses the "favorite piece of plastic" line as a metaphor for the telephone talking/screaming fits he went through. I'M
NOT THE ONLY ONE Rich recorded this song about five minutes after slamming his fist into a wall after the girl he loved
told him she had been cheating. That's harsh, but it did result in an amazing song. MISS BLUE This song is about the girl
who broke Rich's heart in "I'm Not the Only One."(Fold Lyric Section) "The song 'I'm Not The Only One' I wrote ten minutes
after I put my fist through a wall," remembers Patrick. "I had to go to the hospital to get stitches. I recorded the track,
and when I played it for my manager, he asked me, 'What are you singing in that verse?' And I'm like, 'I don't know what
I'm sayin'...' I was living the moment, confused and bewildered over a girl who was cruel to me. And my manger says, 'Well,
why don't you fix this?' I was standing in front of a microphone with a bleeding hand, and I'm like, 'You don't get it, do
you?'" 'Miss Blue' had to come out. I listen to that track now and I think, 'Jesus Christ, I was way in love at that time...'
I remember that after each take I had to tell the engineer to stop the tape and hold on for five minutes because it was
so emotionally draining. "Some people may listen [to that song] and think, 'Why isn't he banging his head?' Those people
want me to be 25, pissed off at Trent Reznor and the world. But that's just one song out of ten. But when it comes to the
hard stuff, you're damn right I'm going to sing about getting sued, and all the failed relationships and deceit and shit
like that. This whole record is where you are going to find out who Richard Patrick is."(Official Page) Here's a bit about
before the microphone and recording the song. "There [were] awkward moments of bawling and crying in front of the microphone,
saying, 'Give me five minutes, guys,' " Patrick said. "Every time I did that, I went, 'God, this is beautiful and you can
totally hear it. This is the part of the song where I start to break down,' you know? The proudest moments on this record
are some of the quiet moments."(Sonic Net) This part of the fact comes from I'm Not The Only One "Patrick's relationship problems
during that period inspired more than one track on the album. "It got so bad that one night I found out that [my girlfriend]
slept with someone else," he said. "I punched through a wall instead of hitting her and broke my fifth metacarpal. Shattered
it, had 17 stitches on my hand, but before I went to the hospital I sang 'I'm Not the Only One'. I had an amazing time with
that chick, that crazy, freaky girl."(Sonic Net)
40. Steve is an unknown dude it seems. No one knows if
he's dating. I threw in the Steve liking Scully for fun. Gee, bet you couldn't figure that out, besides, I'm being bugged
to hit 50 Facts. . ..Besides, we all know Rich likes Scully. ..LOL.. I hope you enjoyed that one.
43. His last girl was a pill popper and slipped a few
to Rich. He wrote "It's Gonna Kill Me" about that as well, hence the title. ...Thought you'd like that tid bit. " 'It's Gonna
Kill Me' was about when I thought that [a woman] was gonna kill me because she was feeding me so many pills," Patrick recalled
Monday in a Yahoo!/SonicNet online chat. "She was into the [prescription anti-anxiety drug] Xanax, but I'm not a pill popper,
so I saw my way through it." (Sonic Net)
54. Rich does like to read. Which is a good thing. Shows
he has intelligence (like we didn't know already) Anyways he'll tell you who he likes to read and why. "Listen, I've never
felt more love lost [than] in making this record ever in my life," he continued. "I bared my soul on that record. ... The
only thing that I can do as a singer is to pour my heart into my music, which makes me real, which is what kids identify
with. It's real. Hunter S. Thompson ... Charles Bukowski, Hemingway those are my favorite authors; they lived their lives.
My job is to live my life and record it in music."(Sonic Net). So, you can see that he does like to read and who and for
what reason. I just think it's cool. I personally like Hemingway myself. Thanks to a vistor to the site, I have these quotes.
I'd like to thank Terri Jones for these. Bukowski Quotes An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple
way." - Charles Bukowski Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show you a man
with detestable spiritual qualities. ~ Charles Bukowski ~ you don't like jail? naw, they got the wrong kind of bars in there. Charles
Bukowski If
you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence. ATTRIBUTION: Charles Bukowski (1920-1994), U.S. author,
poet. Notes From a Dirty Old Man (1969). "Probably, I could have ended up not liking myself," he [CB] says, "but I was lucky. There
was nothing wrong with me. It was other people who fell short, who didn't have true humanity." -- from Hank: the life of
Charles Bukowski The
pest, in a sense, is a very superior being to us: he knows where to find us and how-usually in the bath or in sexual intercourse
or asleep. ATTRIBUTION: Charles Bukowski (b. 1920), U.S. author, poet. "Notes on the Pest," Tales of Ordinary Madness (1967). The whole
LSD, STP, marijuana, heroin, hashish, prescription cough medicine crowd suffers from the "Watchtower" itch: you gotta be
with us, man, or you're out, you're dead. This pitch is a continual and seeming MUST with those who use the stuff. It's no
wonder they keep getting busted. ATTRIBUTION: Charles Bukowski (b. 1920), U.S. author, poet. "The Big Pot Game," Tales of
Ordinary Madness (1967). You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. ATTRIBUTION:
Charles Bukowski (1920-1994), U.S. author, poet. "Too Sensitive," Tales of Ordinary Madness (1967). Thompson Quotes "We had two bags of Grass, seventy-five
pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half-full of cocaine and a whole galaxy of
multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint
of raw ether, and two dozen amyls ... but the only thing that worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more
helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge." -- Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las
Vegas)< "I
hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." -- Hunter S. Thompson
Edge ... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone
over. The others - the living - are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled
back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later. But the edge is still
Out there. Or maybe it's In. The association of motorcyles with LSD is no accident of publicity. They are both a means to
an end, to the place of definitions." -- Hunter S. Thompson
65. Yes, Rich collects toys. It's the little boy in him
shining through. Cute isn't it? I thought you might say that. Well here is the thing from it. "Patrick and Lenardo (the band
also now includes bassist Frank Cavanaugh and drummer Steven Gillis) spoke about the new album at Abyssinian Sons in July,
and also at a Burbank studio where they mixed the disc in late April. In California, they were surrounded by so many newly
purchased, unopened "Phantom Menace" toys it looked as though they were planning to open their own store. That fascination
with kids' toys contrasts sharply with Patrick's speaking tone. If you were to read a transcript of his out of context, you
might think he'd lived two or three times his 31 years. He speaks authoritatively about almost everything."(Title of Page
Filter Take Aim) I feel for him. Some say I sound WAYYYY older than I really am. I can understand that feeling older than
you really are....some of us just have harder lives earlier than some other ones....
71. This is about the amusement park experience. I think
it's rather cute that they like to go to such places. I know I do and really, they are fun. Here's what they had to say.
"The band took a little r&r recently before they head to LA to mix their forthcoming record. Richard took the crew to one
of his favorite stomping grounds, Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio (www.cedarpoint.com). The park is known for it's brutal selection
of coasters. The guys, all veteran amusement park junkies, threw themselves at the mercy of as many rides as possible. After
the "Magnum" (huge coaster) Richard was overheard saying, "that ride kicked my ass." One of the last rides of the day was
given by the "PowerTower" - an ominous 200 foot straight shot skyward. Drummer Steve Gillis had this to say about it, "I
give this ride the finger."(Title of Page Online Exclusive) I actually am using this park as the model for the amusement
park they are at. I WANT to go there NOW....
73. Yes, Rich does have this naked thing...or well...you'll
see..."RP: Actually, my favorite song is "Take A Picture." It brings up the happiest time in my life, I think. One time when
I was just running around a plane naked. Ha! I had a lot of fun on that plane trip. No, I don't run around naked on planes
anymore. I run around in my own studio naked quite a bit. Occasionally I'll get naked on the bus. The guys hate it, but what
am I supposed to do? No, no, I'm just kidding. I'm pretty much toning it down, you know. I'm all about business now."(MTV
Online) Now is it just me, or do you wonder if he really is kidding or not..One must think these things through...anyways,
I hope you got the picture. Hence, Take A Picture...wonder if I can get a picture of that without being brought up on charges....
58. Yes, Rich still wears the same combat hoots he's
worn since high school. He just has this thing for them I guess. Here's more on it. "He's clad in a white T-shirt that reads
"In-N-Out Burger," black jeans and the same model black combat boots (Carolina 955s) that's he's worn since high school.
On the refrigerator to Patrick's right is the singer's 1987 senior prom picture, which shows him clean-cut and tuxed-out.
He says he can't recall his date's name."(Sonic Net) Isn't that cute? He can't remember her name. Oh well, oh and I don't
want to know what the shirt means.UPDATE ON SHIRT: The shirt comes from a California burger joint. It's supposed to be the
best burgers out there. Don't ask me, I've never had them. Sam's shirt in this post is from a guy I went to school with.
Eric Eichenlaub wore the 'Who Needs St. Paul?' shirt my junior year. I thought it'd be funny if Sam wore it. Here's some
more on what Rich dressed like in high school.. like you all wanted to know. "Patrick: Let's see. Back in high school, I
wore black jeans, these exact same model of combat boots although this is probably the 20th pair I've owned since then.
They're Carolina 955s. Then I would dye my hair black, black shirt, black pants."(Sonic Net) The only reason I talk about
him dying his hair is because he does. It's red in some pictures and black in others. I'm just taking a stab at saying he's
a red head naturally.
