9. Robert is 9 years older than Richard as far as
anyone knows. It is questionable of when Robert was born, but we are sure it was in 1959, a whole 9 years before Richard was
born. If you want more information on Robert, I suggest you try the Doggett Dames. As for Richard's B-day, it is May 10, 1968.
You figure it out. He also has a sister Karen, and a brother Lewis. That makes him part of a family of five. (See the fact
about his twin sister).

1. Rich's parents are very friendly and proud of him.
The disowning thing I wrote into the story makes things interesting. His dad's name happens to be Robert Patrick, so that
makes his brother the Jr. I wonder if Robert named his son after himself to make him Robert Patrick III. You know how weird
people are some times. I have heard what Robert has named his son. I can't rememer it off hand but if you want to know about
it, try any Doggett/Robert Patrick Site. They probably know. 2. Rich DOES have a twin sister named Cherri(Sherry). I don't know what she really
does. This is a little bit about his sister. This is the little I know. In this article Rich talking about his feedback on
his guitar, but in this quote his sister has something to say about that. . . "You get some pretty fierce waves of feedback
out of your guitars. Patrick: I'm great with feedback. The first thing I learned how to do with my guitar was get feedback
and I used to do it for hours. My twin sister, Sherry, was like, 'Rich, you're just trying to blow up your amp so Dad buys
you a new one.' I was into this thing where I was tuning down the strings of the guitar to get this really rumbly sound.
And now, many years later, that's what I'm doing for a living: making crazy feedback. It's actually funny, because when I
was coming up with 'Welcome to the Fold,' I hooked up all the amplifiers together, and I went back to this weird moment
in my life where I was just mesmerized by the girth of sound that you can create with a big-ass amplifier. It was so visceral
and so juvenile, but it was so fucking loud and it was so awesome."(Title of Page Masuo, Sandy. "Hey Man, Nice Tone: The
Sound and Style of Filter.")
13. Rich has been playing guitar since the age of 9 (10
in some sources). To frustrate us even further, Richie said recently in a Much Music Special that he started playing guitar
at age 7.(Much Music USA December 8th, 2001) 17. Robert is the oldest. There would be no Joe like character in the family as there
is in the story. I just put him there for fun. So it'd be sort of like this, at least according to the Unofficial Filter
Page: Robert, Lewis, Karen, Rich and Sherry. No, I don't know who was born first, Rich or Sherry. Hey, do you think any one
knows how to find out without being put in jail?

26. Rich is a Rolling Stones Fan. You have no idea how
hyper that made me when I found that one out. I am trying to sneak a little Stones history in at the same time, or did you
notice that by now?? "I liked the Rolling Stones. I was into the Rolling Stones a lot when I was probably a lot younger."(Sonic
Net) 55.
Rich did start a band in highschool. It was a band he formed then and he wrote the lyrics then. As far as I can tell the
lyrics have a"Short Busian Feel." You can see the talent he would later have for the other albums with Filter. Why
he stayed with NIN for so long I don't know. He can write lyrics so well. Here's what the Fold has to say. "The AkT was the
band Rich formed before Filter. He recorded the following song in several formats. These lyrics are from the version on a
CD titled Exhibit C Ohio's Undercurrent."(The Fold Lyrics AkT Section) Here's more from Addicted to Noise about his first
band called the AkT or Act . "Patrick: No, it was originals. There's a 45 floating around if you're really lucky. I have
all 700 copies in my parents' basement but there's like 300 or 400 copies floating around embarrassingly. Jello Biafra managed
to get one. I'm horrified that he has it because you know, he might put it on the Internet to make me look like a dork."(Title
of Page Addicted to Noise Nelson Filter Take Aim Pg 5) Here is a more detailed excerpt about the AkT and the meeting of Trent
Reznor."Richard was about 15 years old when the AKT played local bars in Cleveland (The Phantasy Nite Club), that is where
he met Trent, Andy Kube...(Stabbing Westward drummer), John Malm (Trent's manager and business partner). The bass player
of the AKT, Paul Rusinko, is still one of Richard's good friends.The band did not play U2 songs, they played orginal music
that at the time had a U2 vibe (sound).One notitable gig, the AKT opened for "Lone Justice" who at the time was a national
act. Demo tapes of the orginal AKT music are around and the one single the AKT released "Walking in Circles" on 45 rpm are
out there at least in Cleveland. They pressed 3,000 units,2,000 were sold/given away and 1,000 are probably still in Richard's
parents basement! Rich played guitar and sang in the AKT. They had an "early" U2 sound and later would sound a little more
industrial/experimental. Rich eventually met Trent who was impressed with Rich's guitar playing and songwriting ability.
The rest is history."(Title of Page Some more info on Rich's first band The Akt (info taken from the Forum)
103. Rich has been known to love Skinny Puppy. It
was his first concert that he saw and he could only dream of one day performing his own music live.. Though Skinny Puppy is
different from what Rich does musically, it was a catalyst to preform and make music. Here is a quote by Rich addressing this.
"Richard: I'm glad that those guys said fuck you to the system, even to technicians and engineers. I saw Skinny Puppy when
was 17, and I couldn't believe it existed in a world where the alternative bands were REM and U2. When you see that, you're
like 'Wow! You can do anything.' As long as it's done well."(Title of Page Wallace An Interview from AOL)

80. Cleveland. Rich and Brian recorded Short Bus
there in Rich's parent's basement. I can only imagine the complaints from his mother as he screamed downstairs. I can just
hear her screaming, "Richard Patrick (damn I wanna know his middle name and/or if he has one) you stop that right now! Your
father is trying to sleep!"
87.. I think this one is sooo cool. I had no idea Keef had a guitar named after him, but I am not surprised. And
to think a couple of friends that aren't my friends any more said he couldn't play guitar better than them and they were
beginners...but I digress. Yes, Keef is Keith Richard(s) nick name from us dear fans and the band mates. I put the (s) as
such because Keith had different ways of spelling his name throughout the '60s. Here's what exactly Rich plays as well as
what he does NOT play any more. "Guitars: Fender custom shop guitars made by Alex Perez(one of five master builders at fenders
custom shop) "Golden Boy"-Telecaster body with Stratocaster neck. Bonnie Raitt model headstock. Rosewood fret board. Seymour
Duncan Trembucker pickup in the bridge position. Floating vibrato bar. Lrs roller nut. gold metal-flake finish. "Silver
man"-Telecaster body with stratocaster neck. Bonnie Raitt model headstock. Rosewood fret board. Seymour Duncan Trembucker
pickup in the bridge position. Floating vibrato bar. Lrs roller nut. Silver metal-flake finish "Keef"-Telecast body with
stratocaster neck. Patterned after Keith Richards' 72 Telecaster. Bonnie Raitt model headstock. Rosewood fret board. Seymour
Duncan Trembucker pickup in the bridge position. Floating vibrato bar. Lrs roller nut. Black finish. Gibson acoustic guitars
% Now for the guitars he does NOT play %Rich also has a few other guitars you wont see him play any more, a green Paul Reed
Smith he used to record Short Bus. A G&L he calls "the racing car" that he had in NIN. A Sunburst strat called the Buddy
Holly. And a stock Fender telecaster."(Alternative Press) Now wasn't that a fun fact?

"March of the Pigs:NIN VETERANS: Where are they now? RICHARD PATRICK
Guitarist, punching bag, 1989-1993 Injuries Sustained:: Minor cuts, bruises, lacerations and abrasions Words About Former
Employer: "Cheer up, bitch! And that's only because I love him." Current Whereabouts: Patrick leads FILTER, whose second album,
Title of Record,is due in late August on Reprise"(Filter Title of Page NIN Vetern Article) Now ya know he can't possibly
hate Trent if he says I love him. Hmmm, makes me wonder if anything in Fact 29 is still going on...
29. Back in the day when Richard was a part of Nine Inch
Nails, he was a guitar player for Trent Reznor, the front man of that group. He just happened to get drunk a lot a lot a
lot while being in that group, and he was very very young at the time. We all know about being young and being stupid, right?
Anyway, Trent Reznor and Richard one night after a concert happened to be very very very very drunk, (did I say very enough
for you), and they happened to have a lot of people back stage. They decided that they wanted to freak a whole lot of people
out, so they started to make out with each other. Don't worry, Rich is not gay, but even if he was that wouldn't be a problem
with me, ANYWAYS, so he kissed a guy a long time ago. When asked if Trent was a good kisser, Rich could only say, "Well.
. .yeahhhhhh, I guess so." He also had this to say in a chat about the incident.. "RPatrick: we are good friends though.
had a good make out session in Vegas. Shocked alot old old bags that play slots. hehe"(Title of Page Filter Chat March 3,
1999) "Like making out with him backstage just to annoy the shit out of people. "Yeah! We were in Germany and there were
these people that were just looking at us like we were insane," Patrick remembers. 'So we just started making out, and all
these fucking people were just incredibly disturbed by it. And we thought it was the funniest thing in the world!' Is he
a good kisser? 'Yyyyyyyyyyyy-yeah, he is, actually."(Sonic Net) "Trent said, 'I like kissing Rich because he's not very manly.
He's more feminine and doesn't have to shave as much."(Alternative Press) OMG!!! That just makes me laugh. There you have
it, the rebuttal from Trent himself. Now, for me, as a Stones Fan as well, I can only say this: Stay away from David Bowie,
Rich!!! Mick Jagger still hasn't lived that down about sleeping in the same bed with Bowie in the 70's. What everyone forgets
is that there was about 16 or more people in that bed. Notables were Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, David Bowie (then Ziggy
Stardust, I believe), Eric Clapton and a whole mess of other people. Now that's worse than making out with a guy. Mick STILL
hasn't lived that down and it's 2002!!!
79. Gee, anyone surprised that Richie drinks? It's back
when Brian was a member of Filter and here's what he has to say about the drink that they prefer. "Trent and Rich and I all
have a penchant for Budweiser and tequila, so we just sat there and drank a while, then Rich said, 'Hey, I want to play
"Head Like a Hole" again,' and Trent said, 'Okay."(Title of Page Rich and NIN Article) So Trent's a nice guy is he??? Okay,
let's think that through again. Yeah, whatever. I thought I'd share.
95. Okay, Rich, don't kill me for this one...it's a bad
bad embarassing one for you. When Rich was touring with Nine Inch Nails in a VAN of all things was making bodily functions
as entertainment. Anyways, as TRENT tells, Rich had his feet up on the dash after eating a greasy pork sandwhich. He starts
to make noises to get ready to ummm fart as guys will do. He then gets upset and says "Pull over Marco. I just think I shit
my pants." They pull over to a Wendy's and he gets a pair of pants out and goes into the bathroom. He pulled his pants down,
seeing three things. Blood, onions, and brown goo. Yuck! He throws them across the room. If you ask me, Trent shouldn't have
told that one. BUT anyways...what ever. That was entertaining.
99. Shortly after Rich and Brian left to form Filter,
Nine Inch Nails drummer Jeff Ward who was a herion addict committed suicide in 1994, before work officially was under way
on The Downward Spiral. He locked himself away into a garage(rumor says) and turned on the car, killing himself with
carbon monoxide. Rich's song in answer was "It's Over" a song about someone being cold by killing himself. It's sad, but true.
At the end of Downward Spiral says on it's credits, "We miss you Jeff Ward!"
102. This fact is devoted to what is known as the Richard
Patrick/Trent Reznor Fued. After Rich left NIN, he formed Filter, which we all know. Rich did not do so to spite his former
employer and best friend in Trent Reznor. He did so because he felt he had outgrown the tight constricting scope that is
NIN. It just didn't fit him anymore and here is what he had to say about his former employer, according to Martin Huxley's
book Nine Inch Nails. "I had the easiest job in the world. It was a fun childhood, but there was more to life after seven
tours. 'Wow, I'm going to go out and spit beer on someone.' (My leaving) became a very natural solution to some of the things
that were going on in my life. I was just happy to realize that I could send out a demo tape and get a deal. I hated the
frustration involved in being in that band. Everybody (in NIN) seemed so unhappy and so pissed off. Angry at nothing. And
I don't wanna live my life like that. I don't wanna wake up everyday and be angry. I want to enjoy life." Makes some sense
to me if you ask me. "It wasn't Trent, it wasn't John. It was me saying, 'I don't know if I can be a hired gun anymore.'
I wanted to be creative, and Trent extended his hand and said, 'Come on.' I'd be with him and we'd try to write. I'd look
into his eyes and it was like, 'I don't know where you are going. I don't know what I want.' He knew it, I knew it and we
said we gotta try harder, but it wasn't gonna happen. It was a frustrating thing for me. I didn't know what I was mad at.
I didn't know why it was so hard to be in that band. I realized I couldn't go on. I couldn't go on the road and be the guitar
player that couldn't write what he plays. It was frustrating because I had to come to that realization. Even though Trent
really did try to work it out with me, I couldn't even face him anymore. It was one of the most difficult times of my life."
As for him actually being angry and wanting to get Trent for being controlling in his own band, Brian Liesgang put it best:
Nine Inch Nails is Trent's show. And it should be. He's great at working alone. He's tried working with other people and
he's unhappy working that way. He doesn't need anyone else." Although many fans of NIN who were angered by Richard Patrick's
leaving, Rich has many good things to say about Trent. "He was always supportive, but we knew it couldn't happen within the
confines of Nine Inch Nails. One time he was mixing tracks for Downward Spiral and he packed up his stuff to go work
on the four-track in back of the house just so I could mix my own stuff. That's the Trent Reznor a lot of people don't know."
Rich also shares times he shared with Trent. "Trent taught me that two little notes like B and C sharp can be approached as
'Fuck you, fuck you,' and that any guitar part, no matter how small, can convey attitude. As long as you're playing with
conviction, it's legitimate." By the time Filter's album had gotten the attention it deserved, neither party had talked in
a year and a half. Rich expressed he would love to. "It would be great to call him up and say, 'Let's go fishing, let's go
to an arcade, let's go have a beer together."
104. Holy COW!! It's not one, but TWO bottles of Hershey's
Chocolate sauce! You better run, Richie!!! I see that Trent has them! Trent did actually pour two bottles of chocolate sauce
over Rich's head a concert. This was wayyyyyyy back in 91 when they were touring for Lollapalooza and the backing of Pretty
Hate Machine. Here's what Trent has to say about that coming about. "One night I was in a 7-11 before the show and I saw this
big thing of chocolate syrup and I got this idea. During a certain point in the show, I always molest the guitar player in
some fashion. I said to him "Rich, tonight I've got a surprise for you, don't worry it'll be cool." He's like: "What is it?
What is it!? You're going to make me look like an idiot and my brother's going to be there." The point in the show is when
things lighten up a bit, there's a break from the violent intensity. I pulled out two things of chocolate syrup and start
pouring them over his head. It looked cooler than I could have possibly imagined - it was just amazing. It totally dripped
all over his guitar, everywhere. The roadies are saying [deep gruffy voice]: "fuck this, this isn't in my contract" (cleaning
chocolate syrup off off strings and guitar parts). So, of course this had to go even farther. The next night in LA there was
this wall of security guys in front of the stage so that I couldn't see the audience and the audience couldn't see me."(Fall
Apart Net) That's sorta mean, if you ask me, but sorta funny too. I wouldn't have been very happy if I had been Rich though.
*Snorts* And some people wonder WHY he left to form Filter.
