Here is the News section! Have fun!
Allison..The Rich Fact Webmistress...
This site has been sitting for quite awhile, hasn't it? I am not sure when or how I'll go about cleaning it up and updating
it, but we'll see. It'll probably be slow, but feel free to email me any information/articles/whatnot, and I'll keep it in
a file to add to the site when I can.
Rich has posted a tribute to Justin in the lastest
Rich Words. Please read and remember Justin through Rich's words, his website and through the music of Filter.
There have been new Rich Words posted.
Today is the 60th anniversary of D-Day. While
we remember the veterans of World War II and those who died on Normandy's beaches, may we also remember a fallen hero in Justin
Eyerly(Filtered) who laid his life down on June 4, 2004 while serving in Iraq. Do check out the In Memory section to learn
more about this brave soldier.
Another dose of Rich Words for everyone. Go read
The Rich Words were updated on the 16th. Rich
tells us about his birthday. Be sure to check 'em out!!!!
There is a lot of Filter news going on right
now and it's very exciting. We have NEW Rich Words, a NEW interview posted and a new photo of Rich in the studio working on
the new album.
Along with this, some of you may have noticed
that has a new look and a new feature! A message board is now included in the main links at the site! That's
right, it's the FDG that's linked there and be sure to check the place out!
It's sure exciting time and remember, on MONDAY
is Richie's birthday! So go to the FDG and wish him a BIG one!
We got some NEW Rich Words and things are looking
like they're really moving for Filter. Hopefully we'll see more Rich Words in the near future as we get closer to a
record release.
First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I hope your Christmas
Eve and Christmas Day will be great and you get all the things you want and all those wishes come true. I can't believe it's
almost 2004!
We have a Christmas Present from Rich himself.
A NEW Rich Words! So do check that out!
Not much is going on except that now that I'm
done for another semester I'll hopefully get SOMETHING done towards the gigantic renovation of this site. That's if all the
Playstation 2 games I have don't distract me!
Anyways, be merry and have a great New Year!
Hopefully I'll have another update before we roll over the calendar year.
That's right! A new Rich Words has arrived! Along
with the Rich Words are three photos. That's right, Richard Patrick has gotten himself a tattoo. Of what? Well of his date
of sobriety of course. You can find that at the official site or here in the Rich Words section.
Along with that, I'd like to promote the site
that has been made to honor the troops in affiliation with the FDG. You can find that at the bottom of this news update. Please
sign it. Justin, aka Filtered from Filtered Online, has been called up to serve 2 years in Iraq. Show your support for him
and ALL the troops in Iraq and over seas. If your'e not American, please show your support of a long time standing Filter
Community member who had one of the very first Filter sites on the internet.
And finally, the FDG has a store. I bet you guys
didn't know that. HEY it has two actually. You can buy designs from either FDG Clothing or the infamous Mangina Wear. Every
dollar helps keep the FDG up and running and it'd just be cool to have your own gear, now wouldn't it? Anything from travel
mugs to mouse pads to shirts. We even have thongs for those who errr find that alluring! Go forth and find something you might
As many of you know, tomorrow is the nation wide
premiere of the movie Underworld. Be sure to see it while it is in theaters and if you haven't already, do pick up the Underworld
Soundtrack.. It show cases The Damning Well's first track and other tracks by David Bowie and many others.
Along with the premiere, Cinescape has posted
an article about the LA Premiere of Underworld where notables from the movie and the soundtrack and others viewed. You can
find a link to that article at the bottom of this news bit. Scroll to the bottom and you will find a photo of Rich, Danny
Lohner and Wes Borland.
OH and just a reminder, the story site has been
up for almost a month so do check it out and feel free to email feed back to me about the story or the site in general. You
can find the story link at the bottom of this news post as well. Other than that you guys probably don't wanna hear about
my college classes so I'll just end the news for now.
Well, if you haven't heard by now, the new Damning
Well track has been released on the lakeshore records website. If you have NOT heard this track, do go check it out and be
SURE to pick it up on the 2nd of September(Tuesday) to hear the rest of the offerings by the likes of David Bowie and Maynard
from Tool and A Perfect Circle and many more.
For your convienence, I have also included the
link to the Damning Well track here:
The Damning Well: Awakening
Lakeshore Records
I know, I know. Official Filter updated a few
days ago and I haven't posted that here, BUT Tripod hates me and I couldn't get into the site till late last night and I'm
working on something for the side site(ie the story some of you really, really wanna read and which you can find at the bottom
of this news bit) so although it is late, here it is.
The Damning Well:
First off, this "super group" if you will is
placing a track entitled Awakening onto the soundtrack for the Vampire flick Underworld. The project includes Richard Patrick,
Wes Borland formerly of Limp Bizkit, Danny Lohner of Nine Inch Nails and John Freese formerly of A Perfect Circle. This
soundtrack will be available on Sept. 2nd so be sure to pick it up. It has one helluva line up!
For those of you who do not know, the Tombraider
2 soundtrack has a Filter track on it. The Only Way Is the Wrong Way made it onto the soundtrack so if you want to pick that
up, please do so.
The FDG has made it's new home sucessfully at If you have not visited the new site and board, be
sure to do so. A lot of headline news is posted there on a regular basis. Hope to see you there!
And FINALLY, the Rich Words have been updated
as of the 15th. If you haven't checked those out, please do. Rich has a lot of things to say about the above mentioned
as well as a few other things about upcoming projects.
RFW Storytelling
I am currently working on a complete renovation
of the Rich Facts, which also will include a move from Tripod to a new domain. I have yet to decide between or as to which place will house the renovated Rich
Facts, but rest assured they will be in a new home as soon as I can get through the research and writing aspects of the site.
Along with that, the story that inspired the
whole mess will most likely end up in the XF Fan Fic archive entitled Gossamer. I'm not sure when exactly, but eventually
as I work through things for the site, I will also tackle that aspect. Please be patient.
Oh, if you still have some type of Filter article
or tidbit that I don't know about or what have you, please email me at I'd like to have as much sources to pick from to
write complete and thorough Facts as much as possible.
Thanks for the Patience!!
There is a possibility that Lara Croft's next
movie soundtrack will have a track collaboration with Richard Patrick and Wes Borland. This is from and The
NIN Hotline: reports than in a post to his own website,
Borland wrote "...I've been working with Danny Lohner on four songs for the movie 'Underworld'. That soundtrack may really turn out to be a great album, and I've seen the film about 10 times and I really like it....
Also, Richard Patrick from Filter and I wrote a song together, and that will be coming out soon, maybe on the 'Tomb
Raider' soundtrack."
Once again Dualesc need your help. This year's
RockFest in Portland, OR is having a poll with Dualesc in the top 15 cut. Vote for them as much as you can and they may get
into the top five to play on the local stage. The Main Stage will have acts such as Korn, Disturbed, Chevelle and Trapt. Help
Dualesc get to play at the festival by clicking the link below!
Rockfest: It's Your Fault Band Search
While we wait on news about Filter's latest projects,
help out Dualesc!!! They need our help with rating the song "landscape" at Victory Records. Each good rating helps them get
to a higher rating, so check it out! The people at Victory Records check into the bands with the highest ratings so do vote
but tell your friends as you can only vote with once!
Victory Records
There have been new Rich Words posted. Check
them out for the latest from Rich about the new record he is working on.
Big news!!! The Rich Facts have been linked to! They are a site that has many bands news and features links to quality sites(how mine qualifies. . .) and other
things. Use the banner on the front page OR you can use the linky link at the bottom of this news update. Why are you still
reading this! Go!!
There are three new photos of Rich in the studio.
Check them out at the Official site, but here is a tease:
As most of you know, Rich has posted two new
Rich Words so if you haven't checked them out, do so!!
There's a lot of new Filter Goodies to buy including
a replica of the Hoodie we see Rich wearing on the cover of the Amalgamut, copies of the concert tour shirts, and a girl's
tank top so get it while you can!! They can be found at Artist Direct.
Once again we have NEW Rich Words to digest.
Aparently we might have a new record to look forward to a lot sooner than expected(being that it usually takes up to three
or four years to get more), but we will have to see what happens.
I would have updated sooner, but I have been
busy with school work this semester and things get in the way. And, with the lack of Filter news, it's been hard to find topics
to write upon. But, this weekend, look forward to a new Consider This.
There are NEW Rich Words!! Enjoy the new
self-portrait Rich made of himself, too. Very interesting to say the least. Maybe it'll be fodder for a new Consider This,
then again maybe not. . .
There are NEW Rich words with a cute little picture
once again. Seems like we might get a new picture routinuely, eh? Check them out!
First off, Happy NEW Year's Eve! We're
almost to 2003 everybody!
Second, there have been new Rich Words
posted. And damn it, he had to get a paraglider gift certificate for Christmas. Rich, PLEASE do not break anything doing
that! There is also a nice new photo of Rich with the words. Enjoy!
Other than that. ..not much else. See ya
next time!
NEW Rich Words. Go Read and Enjoy. I guess that's Rich's gift to us Filter
fans for Christmas..
Yeah yeah yeah. . .I know I haven't been posting
much news lately. You'll have to read Consider This for more about why that is exactly. But now you got me working on the
site again regularly. YEAH.
I posted my review of Dualesc's album Through
the Floods Not With Them. Be sure to check that album out as well as because you just should if you haven't and's
just cool to do so.
Apparently the January issue of Hit Parader has
another Filter goodie. I haven't had the chance to pick the magazine up myself but that's what I've heard. Check it
Oh and thanks to everyone who visits this site.
We had over 7,000 visitors in one year come to the Rich Facts. Maybe we'll have more than that by next December!
Just so you know, if you head to the FDG you
might get a little notice to some Filter Equipment on sale via EBay. So what are you waiting for?
Good news is here finally!! A NEW
Rich Words has been posted and Rich is out of rehab. Although there is no news about the touring information or anything,
it's good to hear that he is doing well. Go to the official page to read the words or go to the Rich Words on this page.
Thursday was Geno's Birthday. Happy Birthday
The elusive Gravity Game footage announced last
week has not been placed on the Official site for this week, BUT if I were you I'd watch anyways to see if they do run it.
Besides, this whole dirt biking and skateboarding at 50 mph fascinates me.
I have added a new section for Music Reviews.
Check it out when you get the chance. I have finished my review of the Amalgamut and have posted it there along with two other
reviews you'll have to go check out for yourself.
New Photos are now up. Yeah. I said NEW photos.
Like 'em or don't look at 'em.
A New link has been posted in the links section. Check it out!
Filter is in the current issues of Metal Edge(December
2002) and Hit Parader. Be sure to pick those issues up!! Oh, and the RFW will have a bit about what she thinks of the Hit
Parader issue in the Consider This on Sunday.
On SUNDAY Filter will be appearing in Gravity
Games on NBC at 4:30/3:30 Central Standard Time. Unsure when it airs in your area, check your local listings. It is a 90 minute
program. Set your VCRs to record it!
Congrats goes out to Frank, soon to be a proud
papa! This tidbit can be found at Hard Rock Cafe in an interview. Check the link below for more.
Pictures from the 9/26/02 Filter show can be
found at the link below that one. You know the drill.
Found at CTNow Music News is a confirmation of
the type of rehab, although the management has yet to confirm or deny so don't take it as gospel, people. Entertainment Weekly
supposedly says the same thing, but damned if I can find the news byte that says so. I've looked!!
Tour changes
Time for a refund, Filter
fans. The band has canceled its tour after lead singer Richard Patrick checked himself into a California rehab center last
weekend to combat alcohol and substance abuse. The band had been scheduled to play the Webster Theatre Oct. 13.
Found at the DST:
"This just in from Filter's management:
Filter's lead singer, Richard Patrick, has checked
himself into a rehabilitation facility this weekend forcing Filter to postpone all touring through the end of this year.
Filter want to apologize to all of their fans who
have bought tickets for upcoming concerts, particularly for the Rellim Tour dates which were due to start this week. There
are no current plans to reschedule the cancelled shows, although Filter hope to be back on the road early in the new year.
Says Richard Patrick "I want to apologize to all
my friends and fans for having to cancel these upcoming shows, but right now I'm concerned about my health and want to get
back into the best physical and mental condition to go back on the road next year."
All tickets will be refunded at point of purchase."
I left this in it's actual context due to the fact
that it is most urgent. Rich has come down with laryingitis and has checked himself into rehab to fix his voice. Hopefully
things will work out and he will be healthy by early next year.
If you would like to leave a Get Well Message,
please forward it to me via email and I will place it upon the Get Well Page I will make later today. Tis bad news for the
tour indeed. May Rich heal up quickly!! Get BETTER Richie!!!
On a lighter note in the news realm, Coolbryne
was lucky enough to meet Rich and Geno in Tornoto AGAIN. She's covered this meeting in her latest issue of Mr. Intensity.
Be sure to check that out if you have the time!
Mr. Intensity: A Rich Dish of Deja vu.
The Miller Rellim Tour kicks off on October 2nd!
Be sure to check out Ticketmaster for information and venues near you! Remember, the Miller Rellim Tour is special due to
the Meet and Eat Pizza with Filter before the shows. It runs from October 2nd-19th.
The Amalgamut, as of Sept. 26th, has scanned
over 90,000 units! Keep requesting Where Do We Go From Here and American Cliche at your local radio station!
Post Miller Rellim Tour Dates have been posted.
Try and catch one of the shows if you can! Click below for all tour info.
Tour photos were posted at the Official Site
earlier this week. If you haven't looked, do so. More will be added as the tour goes on so be on the look out for more!
The Digital Street Team is running a contest
to get free tickets for the Miller Rellim Tour. Be sure to sign up and check it out if you're interested in free tickets.
Who isn't??? Get there early because tickets are going fast! And Good Luck! Lord knows the RFW didn't have any. Snorts. .
American Cliche
is rising high on the radio request lists and is becoming a most requested track. Keep it up!! See why this week's topic
is bashing RFW Radio Hell. . .
As of Sept.
19th, The Amalgamut scanned over 86,000 units.
Here is a link to see
an answer to a question that the DST asked Rich in August or so. Check it out and enjoy. Although, I didn't catch the question,
so you're bet is as good as mine as to what the question is!
New Rich Words posted. Check 'em out for a laugh.
On 9/10 "American Cliche" hit radio airwaves.
Request the song at your local station. Hell, harass 'em for the hell of it like I do here in my small town here. It might
get you some place, you never know.
At. 4:20 EST on Saturday 9/14, The Edge is having
Filter live on the air for a mini interview and mayhem. Be sure to check that out if you are near a computer or live in the
Tornoto area. Check below this news list for the webaddress for The Edge.
As of the Second Week of September, "The Amalgamut"
has scanned OVER 82,000 Units.
New Rich Words appeared on 9/12. Be sure to check
them out. They're brief but worth the read.
More news on the Rellim Tour. You can now "Meet
and Eat With Filter" at the venues on this particular tour. According to the DST:
will headline the upcoming 11-date, low-dough Rellim Tour, kicking off October 2nd at the Quest in Minneapolis. On each tour
stop, fans will really be able to get up close and personal with the band, as they'll be allowed to enter the venue through
the backstage area, chow down on pizza and check out the dressing room and lounge areas.
For those of you worrying that the
Rellim Tour is only for those over 21, have no fear. Check Ticketmaster for age requirements. Some shows are listed as "All
Ages," some are listed as "18+ ONLY with valid ID" and some are listed as "21+ ONLY with valid ID." Be sure to check for your
specific venue before being disappointed. The Miller Rellim Tour site is set to be 21+ Only, but not every single venue follows
that policy.
In honor of Frank and his fave number, be happy
and merry that this is Friday the 13th. Enjoy!
A new Filter Article is available to read. It
also has streaming audio to accompany it. Check below for more information for that.
The Second Single from the Amalgamut has been
chosen!! It will be "American Cliche" and hits the radio stations on 9/10. Let's hope it gets some awesome air play!
As of this first week of September(where cool
things like my birthday happen) The Amalgamut has scanned OVER 76,000 units.
Don't forget to check out the Rellim Tour coming(hopfully)
to a city near you.
An online monthly magazine devoted to Robert
Patrick has an article about Richie! Mr. Intensity Sept. 2002 lets you inside on some pretty funny conversations and a wild
ride of a meeting with Rich. A must read folks!
Mr. Intensity Sept. 2002: An encounter with Rich
Yeah, yeah. .There is tons of news I'm behind
on for you guys. YOU go to class for me and I'll keep the information coming, okay?
You can now pass some Filter along via email
at Beat Very smooth. I checked 'em out and while I find that type of stuff always corny, it's sorta neat in its
own way.
Filter is now on the Rellim Tour as the feature. See
tour date information for more.
Dot Music Interviewed Rich and Geno recently.
Check out that read. It's dated August 15th, but hey, we can't chase everything down!
New Rich Words have been posted. Oh Goodie. .
The Rich Facts Turn A Year Old Today. . . YAY
Don't forget Last Call With Carson Daly(or
in my mind, Lost Cause With Carson Daly) on Wednesday night on NBC.
An interview with Geno is at Hip Online.
Read it here:
A chat with Filter guitarist Geno Lenardo
New Rich Words and don't FORGET!!! Conan O'Brien
is having Filter on tonight. I'll let Richie tell you all about that in the new Rich Words. Set yer VCRs, watch and enjoy!
It's not Where Do We Go From Here for a change!!
Be sure to check out sometime.
Filter ranks at #32 for their first week out. That's outta 200. Not half bad if you ask me.
Gee, Mr. Blabs A lot has a lot to say. Rich has
another new Rich words and this time it's without love. Considering they just played Carson Daly shortly before writing it,
I know why. Sighs. That guy is irritating. Anyways, go read the new Rich Words.
In Rich's way to make us poor un-paid webmasters/mistresses
work even more, he has posted a new Rich Words today, deciding that the pace needs picking up. For you lazy people who come
here first instead of going there first...TRY GOING THERE FIRST!!
The official site's link section has been brought
back in the email section. It is located at the bottom and has a link to Filtered's, my site and the FDG amongst the many,
many pages housed there. Go check it out and the other Filter pages housed in the links section there.
New Rich Words have been placed at the official
site. . .go read about Bubba. It's funny.
A new interview with Rich is found at Get Real
Detriot. Pretty funny, too. Go read.
Rockline ONLINE will be having Filter on their radio program at 11:30 EST
time. They'll be talking about the new album and in general BS.
Here is the Official Site with the information about it and the Unofficial
Site with a way to hook up to hear it if you're like me and don't have a radio station to carry such a program.
Get Real Detriot Interview: Filter: An American Band
Filter is involved in the upcoming Hummer TV campaign.
Sighs. I'm not a fan of the vehicle, but what ever. Check out that stuff at this site:
YESTERDAY The Amalgamut was released. You can
find it everywhere now(unless you go to: Walmart, Shopko and possibly K-Mart in my home town). Either that or order it online.
NEW Rich Words have been posted. Check them out.
Very cool stuff.
Alternative Press reviewed the Amalgamut WHICH
I was kind enough to transcribe. They're not kissing Filter's ass but they're not slamming them so I'm happy with their review.
7/10 for Alternative Press is pretty good considering most of the other albums in the mag ranked at about 7 and none got 10.
Find that review here:
Alternative Press' Review of The Amalgamut
For the lazy people who don't want to venture
to the DST to see the WONDERFUL video "Attack of the Killer Ass," here is your chance to view it before you get the CD. You
lazy people you. Get your ASSES to the DST once in awhile.
A big thanks to a DST poster who provided a link
to an article about the Amalgamut. Read to your heart's content. It talks about the political aspect of the Amalgamut. Worth
the read.
Filter's Richard Patrick Gets Political
Don't forget the FDG Release Party! It'll be
a blast! Remember, it starts on July 30th and runs from Midnight Eastern to Midnight Eastern July 31th. Be there to have fun
and chat about the new album!
It's OFFICIAL this time: is launched!!!
It has two contests 1) Enter to win a trip to see Filter or 2) Enter to win an autographed guitar or t-shirt. Go to to see the preview of the album as well as
entering those two contests. It's worth checking out!
Ever wonder what Rich's ass looks like now! Well at the DST you can
see it in the preview of enhanced material from the Amalgamut. The title of the video is "Attack of the Killer Ass." Something
tells me that Rich had too much caffiene again! It's great for a laugh. Oh, and that pesky megaphone reappears!
The FDG will be having a Release Party in the
FDG Chat Room on July 30th starting at 12 AM(EST) and ending on July 31st at 12 AM(EST). Check the FDG Chat window for more
information or the FDG.
FDG Chat
Filter TV Appearances have been updated. Check
out the going's on for all of that stuff.
Filter TV Appearances
A new section for Radio Station Listings. Check
'em out!
Radio Requests
7/13/02 is launched!
Here you will find some of the same information
that has to offer, but with a new, smooth look.
A new Filter contest(not ran by me thank GOD!) here
at this link. Same prize folks so here's more chances for you to win! 3 winners only and at every 50th email. Good luck!

Video links for the initial single "Where Do We Go From
Here": 56k: 100k: 300k: 450k:
Latest news:
"Where Do We Go From Here" Single Release delayed
until July 9th. Be on the look out for it and guys, maybe if you get a megaphone and yell Single over and over, ya might get
it, but probably not until the 9th.
US Summer Dates (West Coast Dates) have
been postponed(Except for the Locobazooka Dates).These are for the dates of July 22-July 31 that have been postponed. After
the last show(In Council Bluffs, IA, the ONE I want to go to, ya know) on July 21st, Filter will be rehearsing for two weeks
to do their tour in Europe. The postponed dates will be picked up for the Fall Tour of the US. Be on the look out. Maybe
they'll come close and I can see them twice! After the rehearsal, Filter heads to NY to tape the TV Appearances and hand
in the video to MTV. YAY.
Locobazooka Folks get to buy new Filter merchandise at the concerts. Lucky
you. Now I just want to go more!
A majority of the International Markets will release the album on July
29th, but if you're in Japan, it'll be a wait until August 24th.
TV Appearances are coming in AUGUST. We've got
TWO so far and I'll be placing the information in Filter TV Appearances later. Be sure to check that out later.
As always, as I find out and get unlazy(Give
me a break! I had NO Running Water for FOUR days) I'll be placing the news up as it rolls in.
Allison, Rich Fact Webmistress
Here you guys go. The Video found in the
Filter Street Team site with a video about the upcoming Amalgamut. It's a bunch of craziness and folks, when you get to the
megaphone part, tell me, would YOU have taken that new and wonderful toy away from Rich? I know I would have.
Enjoy and feel free to spread any of these things
to other sites. It's the best help we can give, now isn't it? Hell, I'll be putting this into a couple of forums.
June 19, 2002
Look forward to a RFW review for Consider This on Friday. . . I know
guys, I should do it now but I want to have it in the ol mind before I write.
"Where Do We Go From Here" In Stores on Tuesday,
June 25th!!!
Can be found in a few online stores so
start looking!!
So get the word out guys and get the single
sold!! It should be exciting to hear NEW Filter FINALLY!!!
Now, I know Rich didn't ask for this one to be posted,
but since some of the webmasters might not go to FDG, here is the thank you Rich has for the Unofficial Webmasters out there:
"Hey guys I just wanted to post through
Hubka and ask if you could get that quote about those fuckers on Blabbermouth and post it as news on your unofficial sites.
I really wanted to infiltrate this shit from the ground up! Thanks for all your hard work as Unofficial Filter Webmasters!"
The BlabberMouth Quote:
Due to the fact Rich asked us to place this up
on our sites, here it is. Enjoy and once again, read the fact about why we don't make Rich mad!
"This is a message to all the fat, bald, four
eyed metal head kids at who dissed me. 1 in 10,000 bands get signed to a major label, 1 out of those signed
bands makes it.. i've done double platinum and i'm on my third record - I make music, you make me sick. I made it in an industry
that has been fucked over by every computer nerd on the planet. Astronauts aspire to be rock musicians, movie stars aspire
to rock musicians, i am at the top of the food chain, i sit on a pile of cash, i drive a bmw, i've been around the world 7
times, my music has taken me far, far away from a little computer, like the one you're sitting at now. And its all because
of my talent, and you will never have that, you will never be me. So sit at your computer and bitch about fred durst and I,
and realize that your lives are pointless. Oh and this is the REAL Richard Patrick and not the nice guy on my website, and
if you don't believe its me, that's just your small brain eating itself. By the way, as far you guys calling me gay, I have
fucked more women than you have seen in your entire lives, so get out from your computer and go find yourself a hog fat bitch
girl and atleast experience it once you fucking pointless pieces of shit!"
Hope ya enjoyed that fun quote. I know I did.
Here's a cool new article from regarding the upcoming Filter release
NEWS 5/17/02:
The Amalgamut in stores JULY 30th
Rich Words has been updated
New Locabazooka tour dates have been added
The Filter set list poll results are in:
Skinny - 295 (25%) Under - 183 (15%) Consider
This - 99 (8%) The Best Things - 442 (37%) It's Over - 51 (4%) White Like That - 94 (8%)
The fans have spoken. Filter will play the voted favorites
from those six during their headlining shows.
The votes are in, the new guy will wear a Pink Tu-Tu
with pink tights and ballerina slippers, just for 1 show though..
NEWS 5/09/02:
Filter is in
the process of preparing for their upcoming summer tour shows and are considering what songs to perform... and they want YOUR
The band has selected the following 6 songs and are trying to figure out which of them you'd most like
to see/hear live on their upcoming tours. You can only vote once per day, so spread the word and come back often!
Here's some new info about possible live Filter
appearances. Check it out!!!
Here is the new article. Read it guys. It's good stuff. Enjoy!
Filter To Rage Against The Machine On New Album
NEWS 4/24/02:
Official Track Listing for "The Amalgamut" (w/times)
You Walk Away (4:36) 2) Where do we go (5:34) 3) American Cliché (3:37) 4) Columind (3:35) 5) The Missing
(4:47) 6) The Only Way is The Wrong Way (5:13) 7) My Long Walk To Jail (4:07) 8) So I Quit (3:24) 9) God Damn
Me (4:14) 10) Never Be The Same (4:32) 11) World Today (5:50) 12) The IVth (8:05)
NEWS 4/20/02:
Calling all Los Angeles area FILTER fans interested in being in the next
FILTER video!!!
FILTER is about to shoot the first video for the upcoming record "The Amalgamut" and we're looking
for authentic FILTER fans to participate --- all ethnicities as long as you are hip, cool and way into FILTER
No joke,
you and your friends can be in the "Where Do We Go From Here" video if you:
- are between 18 and 25 years old (we will check I.D.)
- live in the Los Angeles/Orange County area
- are available Saturday April 27th all day and night (you
must stay until shooting is complete, approx. 14 hours and we don't know what time we're going to start yet).
- are willing to do this for the love of the band, no financial
If you meet these requirements act fast! Email your
name, age and telephone number to We will call you with location information if you qualify.
NEWS 3/2/02:
search is over, Alan Bailey is now the new live touring guitarist for Filter. Rich said "geno and I gave him the friendly
phone call last night and he almost pooped his pants." For more info on the new 5th member of Filter, check out rich words.
"The Amalgamut" is due out in July with the first
single set to hit the airwaves sometime in June. A full-length MP3 will be up on the site in a couple months
Here is the latest news about "The Amalgamut from Rolling Take the link and READ..I'm not gonna do all the
work for you.
Filter Ready Third Album