Consider This Archive


Glasses and Electric Tape: A Global Richard Patrick Conspiracy 01/10/02 | The Fun and Torture of Making a Website 1/30/02 | Rich's Wonderful Way With Words...Or Well, the Mystery of Some of Them. 3/3/02 | Proud of Being An Amalgamut...3/8/02 | Rich and His Immature Ideas....3/16/02 | Boy Bands and Their Mind Controlling Ways(ARewriteofaPreviousRambleThatIStupidlyDeleted..) 3/24/02 | Family Organizations Who Think Way Too Much of Themselves and Family and What I Think They Should Do | The History of the Rich Facts 4/10/02 | LazyChristianReviewersandTheirLackofComprehendableAnswerstoQuestionsAboutTheirSloppyReviews4/18/02 | The Rich Fact Webmistress and Her Clumsiness 4/20/02 | Are You Lucky Enough to Meet Filter? Here's Some Tips You Might Need. 4/26/02 | Frank's New Look and That Guy Wearing the "I Am Richard Patrick" Shirt. 5/1/02 | Happy Birthday Richie!!!! Gee, you're getting OLD! 5/10/02 | Copyright CDs and You. Oh and that Guy From Nine Inch Nails' Birthday. 5/17/02 | Record Labels and How They Function And Farewell to the X-Files 5/22/02 | Where the FUCK is the MP3?????!!!!??? 5/31/02 | The Fred Durst Controversy 6/5/02 | Thank You Richard 6/7/02 | As the Shit Hits the Fan, remember this. . .6/10/02 | Beavis and Butthead Watch Take A Picture 6/14/02 | Where Do We Go From Here??? Let Filter Take You There. 6/21/02 | Bananas and Tea!! Rich is NOT Demanding! As If! 6/28/02 | Because I'm bored and feel the need to write about it. 7/5/02 | So I Still Have Nothing To Talk About. Okay, I Do. 7/11/02 | Pre Concert Rambles and Funny Stories About KKCK's Crazy Suckiness 7/18/02 | The RFW Gets Lucky In Iowa. . .A RFW Concert Tale 7/26/02 | Extra, Extra READ All About IT!!! 8/2/02 | The Rockline Files 8/9/02 | The Lost Cs: Conan and Carson. . 8/17/02 | The RFW Goes to Get Her Learn On 8/24/02 | How YOU can help Filter to do their job BETTER 8/31/02 | Wanna know what would be cool??? No really! Wanna know?? 9/7/02 | Walkie Talkie Mayhem. . .9/15/02 | Stations, what other stations?? The RFW Rants About Radio Hell that is KKCK. 9/21/02 | Another Pre Filter Concert Ramble by the RFW 9/28/02 | It's Been One Of Those Weeks 10/5/02 | Get Well Richie!! 10/5/02 | Would you look at THAT! A New Consider This! 10/26/02 | The RFW Wants You!!!! 11/9/02
Because I'm bored and feel the need to write about it. 7/5/02

For the first time since I started Consider This, I find myself without a topic! Sure, I could talk about the 4th of July and patriotism or the fact that the Amalgamut has been leaked onto the internet, but I thought that I'd have to prepare way too much for either topic. So, instead, I'm going to talk about. . . .well, hmm, I don't know. I guess I will have to fall on the topic of Rich's ass, I guess.

Hmm. Maybe, I will, maybe I won't. I haven't decided yet. Nah, I'll talk about it. It is a cute, round, white ass after all. And since I did watch Phenomenology again the other night, I've got it pictured in my mind rather well. Give me a break guys. I try to keep my fawning of "OMG He's so cute!!!!" to a minimum. I'm bored. I got nothing else to talk about besides how much stuff blew up yesterday or how much my family is weird. I'd rather make guys roll their eyes than scare the crap out of them.

Since I'm so bored and have only Rich's ass to talk about, I think I'll whine about the fact that I don't have a screen capture of it for the damn Consider This. Damn it. That would add a whole new thing to the wonderful Rich Ass talk if I could put a pic of it up. If you find one,  TELL ME! I really would like one. Ya know, so I could frame it, put it on my desktop wall paper, ect. Okay,  so not really. I wouldn't frame it and put it on the wall, though it'd go well with the painting of a cow's ass we got around here someplace. As for my desktop wall paper? I haven't decided if I would put it there just yet. It might get too distracting and could cause me to type in "rabid speak" with such lovely phrases as "he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooot!!!!!!!!!111111" Notice how a certain key is held down because the brain has shut down momentarily until they realize they may have one too many letters. As for shifting keys, don't even bother. It takes TWO motions to make that silly !!!!!!!!11111 and when they realize they are making too many !!!!! by the time they figure that out to stop the !!!!! they get 1111 instead and well, you see the problem. They have to wait for their brain to catch up and remove the finger from the 1 key. I guess what I'm trying to say in my bored ramble is this: I can't have a pic of Rich's lovely, white, round, CUTE ass on my desktop. I'd start slobbering and talking like an idiot.

Besides. I feel like it is my right to talk about his fine ass this week due to the fact that we've had some Spears talk at the FDG. Sighs. That whiney bitch should just go away. FAR away. Not so guys can't see her anymore, but rather so I don't hurt her delicate, plastic face. Dumb Bitch. Ahem, sorry about that. Where were we? Oh YEAH! Rich's ass!

Anyways, I spent ALL day wasting time trying to think of a topic and this was it. It was fun, wasn't it? Damn do I need a topic for next week. Maybe I should have talked about the 4th of July and how patriotic we should be, but nah, I sorta want to say some bad things about a certain President too. I'll keep that to myself. Hmm, I could have talked about the Amalgamut being leaked online too, but I didn't. Lord knows we got enough MP3 wars going as it is!

Until next week, when I'm not so bored, see ya and have fun! Hope you enjoyed this most excellent(sarcasm) Consider This! Oh and ladies, think about how cute that ass is!